Effekt-丹尼尔·韦恩博尔(Daniel Veenboer)

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  2. Effekt-丹尼尔·韦恩博尔(Daniel Veenboer)

本周,由Sinus Lynge和Tue Foge于2007#raybet官网年共同创立的基于哥本哈根的建筑实践将由可持续城市发展专家Daniel Veenboer共同创立。Effekt专注于桥接建筑,技术和生态学#raybet官网,提出了极其创新和有趣的作品,这些作品谈论了社会包容性,社区参与保存的自然栖息地。他们最近以美丽的绿色迷人的装置“自我到Eco”两极分化了国际关注,该装置目前在威尼斯双年展上展出。#raybet官网
我们将开始谈论丹麦在年轻建筑师和社会福祉中的广泛尊重趋势,与自然有着紧密相关,我将保留一个空间来加深书籍系列的第二卷,雷竞技下载链接titled ‘Co-creating Architecture’, entirely dedicated to the firm, has introduced the team as a collective of ‘empathic designers’ who practice ‘co-creation’. We will dwell on several alluring realizations, as the Forest Tower, conceived in enchanted natural contexts to promote educational experiences, bringing people, and in particular children, in close contact with a pristine nature and we will continue with the strategic environmental approaches adopted for the harbor front of ‘Middelfart’ and the new green spaces of ‘Gellerup’. We conclude our chat on topics as prefabrication, mentioning ‘The Urban Village’, a project for IKEA in synergic collaboration with SPACE10 ; circular architecture and economy, with regard to the recent intervention ‘Basarpladsen’ and ‘ReGen’, a new, exemplar self-sufficient model for a sustainable future.

