


Tuomas Uusiheimo,Kuvio M Sommerschield工作室Juha Sarkkinen,Hannu Rytky,,,,Pauliina Salonen,,,,



With the aim of putting the patient at the heart of the design, JKMM has created the Hospital Nova in Jyväskylä, following a new model for a healthcare environment and a new floor plan. A large atrium is the landing point for emergencies and provides access to all the various departments. Meanwhile, the in-patient wards are inspired by the concept of a hotel.


芬兰中部地区是该国最大的非大学医院区。基于JKMM Architects的设计,该医院在2016年至2020年间建于Jyväskylä医院,为该地区的275,000名居民提供专业医疗援助服务,并为Jyväsky雷竞技下载链接lä的约56,000名居民提供基本医疗服务。
Working on this task, which was originally undertaken more than 10 years ago, as part of his studies at赫尔辛基的阿尔托大学,JKMM的合伙人Teemu Kurkela领导了一个研究项目,他在该项目中开发了为不久的未来医院的理论模型。旨在取代城市的旧医疗中心,Nova是迄今为止在不仅遭受衰老设施的行业中,而且缺乏损失的部门,而且缺乏new healthcare models
According to the analysis carried out during the design phase, it is the first large general hospital to be built in Finland since the 1970s. Since the mid-20th century, the dominant architectural model for new-build hospitals has been the so-called “tower with a podium” style. This model was created when healthcare was centred around keeping patients in beds within the hospital for long-term care. As a result, the床数needed to be maximised, with urban hospitals growing vertically, hence the ‘tower’ element. Today, quite the opposite is true: the policy is to keep patients in the hospital for as short a time as possible (the average inpatient stay is only two days), and so the new design orientation promoted and followed by JKMM minimises the number of inpatient beds and instead seeks to support and improve care processes. As such, the first port of call was not to address the appearance or external impact of the architecture, but rather to overhaul the design starting from the rooms. The team worked on what frustrates and upsets patients and their families above all else, namely定向自己在一家大型医院中 - 花很长时间试图找到自己的“康复道路”,甚至迷路的想法。
通过将患者置于医疗保健系统的中心,并从患者的角度看医院,而不是医疗保健过程的情况,就像过去一样,JKMM是从转化开始的the floor planof a traditional complex. The firm’s design has evolved compared to the model of the large-scale, often labyrinthine building, disjointed into its component healthcare sectors; instead it creates a unitary structure that is well-oriented and designed according to its functions. Four separate building typologies have been identified and incorporated into the building: Hot Hospital (surgeries and specialised care), Hotel (wards), Health Care Shopping Mall (outpatients) and Factory (supporting functions). Using a model similar to that of shopping centres and airports, all hospital functions are organised along along public atrium that also represents the central axis of the design。这是一个三层高的空间,可以直接从入口处进入,在这里,由于视线穿过双方的部门和柔和的照明,访客可以轻松地将自己定向。使用柔软的色彩和表面(例如天然木材)启发了一种homeliness。Decorative ceiling lights emphasise the spaciousness of the area, whilst curved elements arranged all along the atrium invite visitors to move through the space.
直接位于这个长画廊附近360 consultation rooms,已在概念上进行了翻新。不再考虑各种类型的员工的“封地”,其中包含用于特定用途的专门设备,这些房间都是标准化,设备齐全和由不同的医学专业共享的。首先在这里看到该患者,并在整个治疗期间都留在同一咨询室,医务人员在医院周围移动患者。鼓励专家离开办公室的范围,朝着患者迈出一步,并与同事合作在咨询空间进行定期会议,从而确保more holistic view of the profession以及更好地概述患者的健康状况。
Furthermore, a selection of patient reception and comfort services have been installed along the length of the atrium, including a restaurant, a seminar room, and an “art courtyard”. For children, there is also an open area playground designed using log structures, offering a window into nature within the built environment.

24/7全天候开放的功能发生了巨大的转变,现在已经集中在所谓的热门医院中。紧急,诊断,重症监护和手术单元 - 即任何大型医院正常运作的关键要素 - 都被收集到一个单元中,该单元仅占医院总表面积的25%。
The Critical Patient Pathway ensures rapid movement of emergency cases to operating theatres.
Finally, the Hotel department represents a new approach to the idea of the in-patient ward, in which careful attention to the interiors of the patient rooms was central to the design: vast windows, decorative wallpaper and homely wood for the furnishings, paired with the metal of the healthcare facilities, all help patients to feel comfortable and at ease. In terms of the interior design, every area has been treated with particular care and sensibility, taking自然作为关键参考点。的确,众所周知,芬兰人与他们的家园有着密切的联系,附近的松树林,山丘和湖泊对所有使用医院的人以及建筑物中这些自然元素的参考都如此熟悉 - 创造根据JKMM的LauraHämäläinen的说法,有意义的联系。

玛拉·科拉迪(Mara Corradi)

尺寸:116 000总平方米
状态:2012 - 完成2020
Client: KSSHP, Central Finland Hospital District
Scope: Architecture, art integration, furniture design, graphic design, interior, signage system EUR 500 million: total cost including construction, medical devices and ICT systems
屋顶表面积​​:22 500平方米
Photos by: Hannu Rytky, Pauliina Salonen, Studio Juha Sarkkinen, KUVIO M Sommerschield, Tuomas Uuusheimo

01-08:照片©Tuomas Uuusheimo
09-10:照片©Kuvio M Sommerschield
11-12-13-14: photo by © Hannu Rytky
15-16-17-18-19:照片©Pauliina Salonen
20-21-22: photo by © Studio Juha Sarkkinen

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