
可持续的变换,D525巴塞罗那由Sanzpont Arquitectura


可持续的变换,D525巴塞罗那由Sanzpont Arquitectura

D525巴塞罗那是一个办公大楼位于巴塞罗那,转换的结果的公寓可以追溯到1970年代。设计的项目是Sanzpont Arquitectura,目的是减少建筑对环境的影响姿态由于可持续改造现有的结构。




加泰罗尼亚摄影师大卫Cardelus、建筑摄影是一种手段设计师、摄影师和观众可以相互沟通:它不是简单的摄影的文档,它是建立一个思想之间的联系,构建作品和观众。在这个世界上,我们从来没有看到任何第一次建筑摄影中一个非常重要的交际角色。更当架构而言,标志性的架构如古根海姆#raybet官网博物馆,私人住宅或社会住宅区都——因为他们的成功取决于他们的数字图像的扩散。这是因为在大多数情况下,我们只了解这些项目由于图像在网络上我们发现,当我们有越来越少的机会达到实际的地方和检查raybet官网架构。#raybet官网是一位加泰罗尼亚摄影师大卫·Cardelus主修摄影、电影和视频在巴塞罗那大学的美术学校。他还采取了进一步的课程d研究所'Estudis Fotografics de加泰罗尼亚,所以他知道图像的力量,他认为“架构”的附加价值。#raybet官网他总是喜欢摄影和摄影过程的魔力,在光线穿过镜片来描绘现实,回到昔日的模拟开发,射击的结果会慢慢出现在纸上。Cardelus将自己定义为一个平静的人,谁能耐心等到太阳到达正确的位置对他射击。他告诉我们这个伟大的技能,他经常使用执行他的工作:“你知不知道当你能站在一幅画前——罗斯科,蒙德里安…-很长,长时间看吗?我觉得我可以做同样的事情与光揭示微妙的城市景观,享受它,我想通过我的照片与他人分享同样的魅力。“大卫Cardelus在他作为一个作家的图像,不仅限制自己的纯粹的美学建筑照片。 Indeed, the job of an architectural photographer is not creating a simple reportage; on the contrary, they must create a dialogue between architects, photographers and viewers. The purpose of this dialogue is to make sure that the image can be understood by anyone. Today, for the mere fact of owning a camera - or a smartphone! - many of us believe to be photographers: all in all, taking a photograph is so simple. In actual fact, Cardelús’ creative process is a very complex one. Few people today know the importance of Visual Literacy, and this is the exact reason why Cardelús’ approach is fundamental in the mediation between architects and viewers. The author believes that: “starting from the simplification and abstraction of the elements of the frame, and establishing a dialogue between the photographic representation of the project and its viewers, we generate the communicative discourse that makes images permanent and gives them sense and meaning regardless of the time and the specific geographical area in which the photographs of the architectural project are interpreted.” For David Cardelús the real purpose of architectural photography is to propose and share the ideas of an architect who, with his work, decisively transformed a small part of the world. It is the role of the photographer to make these ideas visible, using images aimed at depicting an architecture in the best possible way, so as to give the viewers the keys for interpretation. In carrying out his activities as a photographer, David Cardelús always bears in mind that today, the Internet is the natural habitat of photography, as in there, things happen in the very moment when they appear on a device screen, leading to a customisation of our visual experiences. To sum up, for this author, architectural photography is a powerful means of persuasion, as it is apparent in the images he shares with us. @chrisbuerklein David Cardelús http://www.davidcardelus.com/

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