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A major modern art museum in Shanghai and a new entrance building and visitor centre to the Museum Island in Berlin, a pedestrian and cycle bridge through the heart of Copenhagen, a beautiful artists’ home in Sri Lanka, a new hospital where the healing power of nature becomes a central element: these are just a few of the sixteen architectures selected for the RIBA International Awards for Excellence 2021, the important biennial awards handed out by the Royal Institute of British Architects. In November, the winner of the RIBA International Prize 2021 will be selected from these sixteen finalist projects.

戴维·艾修(David Adjaye)爵士OBE爵士获得2021年皇家金牌


戴维·艾修(David Adjaye)爵士OBE爵士获得2021年皇家金牌

5月26日,在虚拟仪式上,建筑师David Adjaye Obe获得了皇家金牌,这是英国英国建筑师学院(RIBA)每年颁发的最重要的英国奖项。雷竞技下载链接








Eleven Canadian projects have been awarded the Prix d’excellence en architecture 2021, announced by the Ordre des architectes du Québec during an online gala held on April 1. The Grand Prix d’excellence en architecture 2021 and the ‘Prix du public’ (People’s Choice) were presented to the renovation of the Grand Théâtre de Québec, by architectural studio Lemay and Atelier 21, who brought new life to a theatre designed by architect Victor Prus and opened in 1971.

第17届Premio ArchitetturaCittàdiOderzo奖


第17届Premio ArchitetturaCittàdiOderzo奖

自1997年以来颁发的Premio ArchitetturaCittàdiOderzo或PAO奖的第17版旨在促进优质的建筑,特别关注威尼斯(Veneto)的意大利地区,特伦蒂诺·阿迪格(Trentino Alto Adige)#raybet官网和弗里利·威尼斯·吉利亚(Friuli Venezia venezia Giulia)的领土。评委们在三个部分中研究了111项意见,并宣布了十名决赛入围者,将在4月份从2021年版的获胜者中选出。

丽娜·博·巴迪(Lina Bo Bardi)在双年展ArchiteTura 2021举行的纪念活动中授予特殊金狮


丽娜·博·巴迪(Lina Bo Bardi)在双年展ArchiteTura 2021举行的纪念活动中授予特殊金狮

建筑师哈希姆·萨基斯(Hashim Sarkis)是La Biennale di Venezia举行的第17届国际建筑#raybet官网展览的策展人,建议Lina Bo Bardi成为今年在Memoriam终身成就的特殊金狮奖的获得者,并被威尼斯双年展的董事会接受。该消息是在妇女节之际于2021年3月8日宣布的。对于意大利出生的建筑师,设计师,场景摄影师,艺术家和评论家哈希姆·萨基斯(Hashim Sarkis),最合适地体现了双年展Architettura 2021的主题,在圣保罗博物馆的设计中确定了最大的典范。将建筑转变为社会艺术。#raybet官网

“ La Festa Dell’Architetto”和学校建筑作为未来的项#raybet官网目


“ La Festa Dell’Architetto”和学校建筑作为未来的项#raybet官网目

The 2020 edition of the "Festa dell’Architetto", postponed due to the pandemic, takes place with live streaming January 27 through 29, 2021. Organised by Italy’s National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservationists (Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori or CNAPPC) and the country’s network of provincial orders of architects, the event promotes the culture of design and underlines architecture’s social function. The CNAPPC’s virtual museum will be inaugurated during the event, and the awards for “Architetto italiano” (Italian Architect), “ Giovane Talento dell'Architettura Italiana” (Young Talent in Italian Architecture) and a Special Prize entitled “(Ri)progettare la scuola con le nuove generazioni post Covid-19 ” ((Re)designing the school with the new post Covid-19 generations) will be awarded.




Silesia大学,由Baas Arquitectura,Grupa 5 Architekci和Maleccy Biuro Projektowe设计的广播电视学院,赢得了Brick Award 20比赛的大奖。创新砖建筑奖是在今年的第9次颁发的,这是比赛历史上的第一个在线#raybet官网颁奖典礼。

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