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Vector Architects的创始人兼设计负责人Dong Gong总部位于北京的公司,是中国建雷竞技下载链接筑师中最有趣,最有权威的人物之一,全球受到重要认可,是我们的客人在此播客中。在Tsinghua大学的学士学位和硕士学位之后,他在美国度过了大约七年的时间,在伊利诺伊大学的另一位建筑硕士学位上,并在纽约的Richard Meier和Steven Holl的办公室工作。#raybet官网在实践建筑师和学术教育工作者中,他看到了著名的本地和国际奖励所承认的极其出色的职业。Elected as the Foreign Member of French Academy of #raybet官网Architecture in 2019, appointed as the Plym Distinguished Visiting Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Visiting Professor of Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy, he has been teaching design studios at Tsinghua University and自2014年以来,中央美术学院。世界各地著名的学术和专业机构的演讲嘉宾和评论家,他应邀请他参加各种大型展览,包括在纽约马马举行的中国建筑展览。#raybet官网2018年“自由空间”威尼斯双年展。该公司在同一年获得了两个项目,即2021年的“ 100多个最佳建筑公司”,由Domus(2019)(2019年)授予“ 100多个最佳建筑公司”,获得了“ Ribraybet官网a国际卓越奖”,获得了瑞士建筑奖(2018年);#raybet官网2016年“ Archmarathon Awards”的总冠军;以及由建筑记录(2014年)选择的“设计先锋”和这些项目,在著名的建筑期刊AV专着中被收集为专着,已广泛发表在Casabella,Arquiraybet官网tectura Viva,纽约时报,A+U,A+U,a,细节,细节,细节,详细信息建筑评论,L'Architecture d'Au#raybet官网jourd'hui,Lotus,Domus等。
城市和自然景观已经证明了他的先天和细心的敏感性解码和解密了多个不同地点的能量:Suochengli邻里图书馆,一种与典型的中国庭院相关的再生干预措施,与典型的中国庭院街区有关基于过去和现在之间的出色对话,中国是振兴的明显证词。The Captain’s House, famous, award-winning work related to a house that sit on the rocks, on a cliff by the sea, on the Peninsula of Beijiao Village, in Fujian Province, represents another extremely significant intervention that, motivated by the need to address conditions of deterioration of the building, has provided a series of unexpected and unrequested important, valuable additions on an aesthetic-emotional level and from a social point of view. Light is another element that plays a fundamental role in his architecture, often revealing an intense aspiration to break limitations and boundaries as exemplary suggests the small Seashore Chapel, in close contact with the infinity of the ocean or intending to help meditation, relaxation and enjoyment as in the Seashore library.

