
修复了Behnisch Architekten的Agora的铝日爆

Behnisch Architekten,,,,

大卫·马蒂森(David Matthiessen),,,,





修复了Behnisch Architekten的Agora的铝日爆 Agora是位于瑞士洛桑的癌症研究中心,最近使用带有固定铝制防晒霜的立面扩大了贝尼斯阿奇克滕(Behnisch Architekten)的扩展。

斯图加特的Behnisch Architekten设计了洛桑被称为Agora的癌症研究中心的扩展today’s research staff.
这座旧的建筑是一种朴实的结构,已经是一个新卷的侧面,该建筑通过一个中央空间连接,实际上是一个大广场,上面覆盖着玻璃屋顶,并支撑在细长的钢梁上。它的目的是一日制温暖的光线,为旨在进行强化科学研究的设施提供熟悉的外观。此外,略微弯曲的墙壁具有柔和的双曲线形状,设计了大开口,内部房间的落地窗。该设计的权宜之计用固定的金字塔元素的复杂网格筛选了外墙,以原始方式表征其表面。The composition is created with laser micro-perforated aluminium panels shaped to improve exposure to the sun’s rays at all times of year: when the sun is highest, in summer, the reflection of the rays on the panels is mitigated by the holes, while the rest of the light penetrates the building softly, reflected off the ceiling. In winter, when the sun is low in the sky, the rays are screened directly, decreasing glare for people inside the building and softening the light inside the laboratories. Of course installation had to be convenient and effective, and so the architects designed a very simple joining system at the end of each panel, which they have subsequently used in其他项目raybet官网同样成功。

Fabrizio Orsini

建筑师:Behnisch Architekten,Stuttgart
Projektleitung /项目负责人:Cornelia Wust
Mitarbeiter / Team:Natasa Bogojevic Ioana Fagarasan Michael Interarity MatthiasJägerHeinrichLipp(WBW)françoisservera saori yamane
招标/建筑管理:Fehlmann Architectes SA,Morges
总承包商:Steiner SA,Tolochenaz
总的:22.500平方米 / 241,700平方英尺
体积:93.000立方米 / 3,300,000立方英尺
地址:Rue de bugnon 25A,CH-1010 Lausanne - 瑞士

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