
Drawing the drought by Luzinterruptus


Melisa Hernández


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Luzinterruptus, the Spanish creative collective was in Sierra de Guadarrama, where they created a small environmental lighting installation that they call an act of artistic guerrilla warfare. A creative, temporary action resulting from the observation of this drought-ridden landscape, interpreted with the use of light.

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  3. Drawing the drought by Luzinterruptus

Drawing the drought by Luzinterruptus Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans” is a famous John Lennon quote that could easily describe what happened last October to the artists from the Spanish creative collectiveLuzinterruptus.。他们在圣洛伦佐德·埃斯科埃斯特里斯岛靠近马德里瓦尔·洛斯科迪斯大教堂和纪念纪念碑和纪念纪念碑,在马德里,他们的意图在挖掘独裁者遗骸后留下光明。此时,他们意识到他们真的没有什么可以增加这种情况。
La Jarosa is a reservoir in the Sierra de Guadarrama mountain rangethat has been decimated by a radical reduction in water due to the lack of rain and last summer’s searing temperatures. A fact that is directly attributable to the climate crisis. At the end of October, this large body of water had shrunk to 30% of its capacity, 26 per cent less than the same period in 2018.
A bleak situation with a small reserve of water that looked more like a pond leaving an area of cracked mud lightly covered in lichen and weeds that had grown after some light rain had fallen on the days prior to the arrival of Luzinterruptus. The dam, once invisible because it was covered by the water, seemed even more distant and at odds with its purpose, as if it had no place being there given the lack of water. Of course, this is the kind of situation that gets the创意果汁of the team from Luzinterruptus flowing and they determined the centre of that dry field towards dusk, where they used blue powder to draw a circle, 10 metres in diameter. Then they proceeded to position thin strips of LED lights between the cracks in theparched terrain, using their bare hands to move the clumps of earth, with this physical contact bringing the effects of the drought even closer to home.

It took them a couple of hours to fill all the cracks and as darkness fell, a circle of light appeared. This was a truly poetic, elegant result in the middle of this large patch of land, now exposed, once covered in water. The artists left the lights in place until the middle of the night because they wanted people to see it from the roads around the reservoir, sparking their interest and driving them to wonder about this mysterious circle in the middle of the reservoir. In the end, as they always do, they cleared everything away, leaving no physical traces of their work, their only physical evidence being the great photos taken byMelisa Hernández这让我们了解这一刻的情绪。我们现在只能希望秋天的降雨将这种景观恢复到其原始状态,并且地球的伤口可以在一整宽的水流下慢慢愈合。


Project: Luzinterruptus -https://www.luzinterruptus.com/
Location: Sierra de Guadarrama, Madrid
图片:Melisa Hernández

