

andriusaleksandravičius,martynas plepys,


ExhibitionEuropean Capital of Culture 2022事件翻新

这欧洲文化首都is an EU-backed initiative that puts culture at the heart of European cities, for an annual celebration of art and culture. In 2022, three capitals have been selected: Kaunas in Lithuania, Novi Sad in Serbia and Esch in Luxembourg. We will begin our exploratory journey in Kaunas.

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  3. 位于立陶宛的Kaunas,其中三个欧洲文化之一2022

位于立陶宛的Kaunas,其中三个欧洲文化之一2022 欧洲文化首都(ECC) initiative has been around since 1985 and, to date, there have been over 60 cities in the European Union (EU) to claim this important title, aimed at emphasising the richness and diversity of cultures in Europe. The initiative strives to celebrate the cultural characteristics that Europeans share, with the aim of strengthening thesense of belonging of European citizens to a common cultural space。文化在城市和社会再生的各个方面发展到城市的发展也是一个非常重要的方面。因此,这些举措提供了一个很好的机会,并且在未来几周内,我们将看到三位首都如何面对这一重要挑战。
要了解更好,我们的读者必须考虑立陶宛的第二大城市,该城市目前拥有35万份居民,在上世纪迅速发展。战略性地位于Nemunas和Neris Rivers之间,在1219年到1940年的白天,这座城市担任立陶宛的临时资本。在此期间,城市迅速成为科学,文化和学术活动的繁荣中心,也导致了其最大的宝藏:独特的现代主义建筑#raybet官网那which we will talk about in greater detail below. Let's, of course, not forget that Kaunas was the birthplace of George Maciunas, the founding member of theFluxus艺术运动。
But while the city’s past certainly looked glorious, the present was marked by the difficulties of a long stagnation after Lithuania regained its independence. A time when pessimism and nostalgia prevailed with a large part of the population – in particular young people – many of whom left the city and the country.
这time for a revival is thus at hand. Indeed, the city's status as a European Capital of Culture has allowed its creative community to带来一长遍的转型,将座右铭“从临时到当代从临时”(临时) - 旨在为欧洲创造一个大舞台。
LiveGreenBlog将让您及时了解事情的发展方式。与此同时,您将找到关于官方Kaunas 2022网站上的事件程序的所有信息:https://kaunas2022.eu/


Kaunas - 欧洲资本文化2022
图片:礼貌的Kaunas 2022,见标题
AndriusAleksandravičius,Martynas Plepys

