


John Cary, architect and writer but above all activist, dedicates his energies to the promotion of an ‘Architecture capable of conferring Dignity’ to people who live marginalized and in conditions of extreme difficulty, a stigma that painfully afflicts this our society. Executive director for several years of ‘公共建筑”#raybet官网,一个旧金山的非营利组织,成立于2002年,目的是通过'1%解决方案'program, architecture and design firms to devote this negligible percentage of their billable hours to pro bono service, in 2005 he participated in a small project that had a wide resonance.

<strong>HOMELESSNESS</strong> John Cary, architect and writer but above all activist, dedicates his energies to the promotion of an ‘Architecture capable of conferring Dignity’ to people who live marginalized and in conditions of extreme difficulty, a stigma that painfully afflicts this our society. Executive director for several years of ‘公共建筑”#raybet官网,一个旧金山的非营利组织,成立于2002年,目的是通过'1%解决方案'program, architecture and design firms to devote this negligible percentage of their billable hours to pro bono service, in 2005 he participated in a small project that had a wide resonance. A local documentary filmmaker, Anna Fitch, got in touch with his agency, suggested an idea that met their full acceptance. The proposal was to build in just six weeks, in time for the United Nations World Environment Day, a temporary demonstration house made entirely of salvaged materials, filming the various processing phases, which then will be broadcast on the National Geographic Channel. Thanks to volunteers, an extremely heterogeneous team, the initiative started, seeing, even if amidst delays and setbacks, its completeness within the established deadline.

创作, '碎屑’, will amaze for the ingenious solutions adopted: walls covered with sheet metal fragments of sheet metal and road traffic signs, floors made of wasted solid wood doors or covered with pieces of leather and leftovers from upholstery works. Everything recovered from landfills and scrapyards or made available by public institutions finds an attractive location. The final result is particularly brilliant, the extravagant collage of pieces destined to remain unused has a catalyzing force from an aesthetic point of view, highlighting possibilities and launching challenges that embrace the field of green building and recycling but also reserving values which transcend that of environmental sustainability, such as the importance of a collective action which, animated by common intentions, achieves this very significant outcome.

Cary is satisfied with the accomplishment which, although modest in size, appears quite provocative but, as he will confess in an article he will later write, a sense of bitterness, not to say embarrassment, will accompany him for a long time, having never been able this house to be used, offering shelter in a city where every night, as he himself claims, hundreds or thousands of homeless people sleep on the street or in shelters. The problem that embitters Cary is an age-old plague that torments especially all the richest and most densely populated city centers and in this 15-year period, which has passed from his considerations, the question of a home for all has definitely worsened, showing deeply threatened what has long been commonly considered a right in most countries. Then there was this terrible epidemic that has affected everyone, putting economic situations to the test, making the most fragile ones dramatic. The profound inequities within our society have exponentially shown themselves, requiring with ever more urgency the necessity to abandon the abstraction of words to devote more time to the concreteness of facts. In the face of so much suffering, it is time for demagogy to give way to effective attempts that respond physically and with dignity to these pressing needs.

Sean Godsell, at the beginning of a profession that he has always considered of high social involvement, proposed in 1985 'Future Shack’, a prototype which, exploiting the advantages of the universal nature of the container, suggests a possible mass production of easily relocatable emergency homes, able to satisfy a wide variety of basic demands: from post-natural disasters to temporary housing. Melbourne, regarded as one of the world's most liveable cities, at that time appears to have "become an epicenter of the homeless"and Godsell, witnessing this gradual deterioration, feels motivated to start an aid program that intends to adapt the static elements of public furnishings to the dynamic part of the urban fabric. The bench that offers a seat in the park during the day conforms to the dual function of refuge at night, with the addition of a weatherproof pop-up roof, equipped with a survival kit, as the'Bus Shelter House', when public transport stops. These three self-financed prototypes received highly praiseworthy comments from critics and 'Future Shack'从美国建筑师学院主席特别提到的,它在史密森尼(Smithsonian)的库珀休伊特设计博物馆(Cooper Hewitt Design Museum)展出了模型。雷竞技下载链接纽约学院。

However, from an implementation point of view, which represented the real aspiration of the young architect, these simple and economic proposals, which did not pretend to be definitive, did not please the planning authorities, perhaps causing a strong embarrassment, for not having found a more decent way to face and resolve so many painful human emergencies. The architect, endowed with a very tenacious temperament, irony and a lot of unconventionality, particularly frustrated by government immobility, thought of an act as original as provocative, presenting his 'Park Bench House' to the selection of the Best House award of the Australian Institute of Architects. A gesture dictated by the desire to ennoble a modest elaborate that did not meet the deserved consideration and did not arouse the supposed social responsibilities. There were reactions from those who indignant, trying to discredit the true meaning of the initiative, declared it was a spectacular self-referential attempt in search of publicity but, apart from these inappropriate allegations out of place, the humble park bench will cause a large range of equally creative and philanthropic proposals from designers. We cannot anyway expect architects to solve homelessness, ‘我们需要’, as Godsell rightly concludes at the end of this long, tiring journey, emblematic of the adversities and hostility by which it is studded, "改变范式,社会变革,而不是建筑的变化”。

他的动态长凳可以用一点光线和最少的舒适度转变为床,这是当局不适当考虑的许多原因,随着时间的流逝,它仍然保持不变。一系列措施,可以说威慑,这是公众的一部分。hostile', or 'defensive architecture', basically devised to discourage vandalism have provoked even greater difficulties to the miserable existence of those seeking refuge in a park or along the road. With no intention of offering themselves as alternatives to spend overnight in reception centers but rather designed as temporary thermal shelters, to prevent hypothermia deaths in the coldest winter nights, two projects arise from the dedication of different creators: 'Iglou'and 'Ulmer Nest'。Both prototypes, a pop-up igloo, foldable and light, made of polyethylene foam and aluminum coating, easy to transport and assemble, and "a pod for sleeping", in wood and painted metal, closed and isolated, powered by solar energy. The hope is that a network of these antifreeze capsule nests, warm individual homes, can spread, scattered in parks and other places of need in the city.
Since those first efforts to raise awareness, which have been mentioned and date back more than 30 years ago, a global response, that could permanently and in most cases decorously satisfy this increasing reality, has not yet been reached. In Europe over 700 thousand people, unfortunately in drastic growth, are forced to live on the street: the European Parliament has invited on the European Commission to develop national strategies by 2030, ensuring funding and unanimously adopting the '首先住房'模型,这与更多'traditional'接近,计划尽快将无家可归者转移到永久住宿。体面甚至可能是独立的住宿:一种绝对合适的观点,不幸的是,尽管有很大的差异与成员国有很大的区别,但面临着所有国家的一种情况:不可能的价格可负担得起的价格,可以允许招待形式,而无需在荒凉的地区边缘化和几乎没有服务的地区边缘化。

鉴于大都市雷竞技下载链接中土地成本越来越高,并且有大幅度减少可用土地的建筑师,他们认为使用那些无垂直的建筑物的垂直无窗的侧壁,而无需地面街道通道,从而恢复了数百英亩的土地‘land'。詹姆斯·弗泽尔(James Furzer)也许是几年前提出的第一个提议,这种有远见的模块化住房实验,基于迷你豆荚,用木材或带有轻钢结构的回收材料,由一对金属支架固定在伦敦房屋的墙壁上,抬高街上,可伸缩楼梯。

With the adoption of the same 'parasitic' system, the Norwegian architect Andreas Tjeldflaat of Framlab creates an interesting honeycomb pattern, inexpensive, flexible and easy to assemble and disassemble. New York City has reached the highest levels of homelessness and it is almost impossible to offer spaces of safety, cleanliness and comfort to these less fortunate people. It is estimated that over 61,000 people sleep every night in city's homeless shelters and thousands more on the streets, in the subway and in other public spaces. The experimental project 'Shelter with Dignity', ‘SwD’, planned for 'vertical lots'represented by inactive walls, "tries to capitalize on this vertical land“。它由模块化的六边形细胞组成,该细胞具有轻盈的负荷结构,将其钩在简单的脚手架上,并并排放置,形成悬挂的微邻居簇。建筑师希望改善社交和环境环境弹性,利用最灵活,最经济的设计系统:预制单元,钢中的外壳和氧化铝,考虑到暴露于不同天气条件的情况下,目前被胶合板覆盖的室内装饰,温暖而柔软的环境,友好而友好,友好,热情,隔离,隔离,良好,良好,良好通风。3D打印模块允许在最小空间中集成所有必要的量身定制。



克里库,约翰·卡里(John Cary)
Park Bench House & Future Shack, Sean Godsell, Photo Earl Carter
有尊严的庇护所,SWD,Andreas Tjeldflaat di Framlab

Cover, “Who’s next. Homelessness, Architecture and the City”, Exhibition at Technical University of Munich / FN Archive
02, Photo by KSPhoto/FlickrCC


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