


美国纽约,,,,Copenhagen, Denmark,,,,



<strong>岛屿< /strong> <br />

There is certainly another aspect that made people dream: those dots scattered in the sea in total isolation, impossible to reach, represented an opportunity to manifest aspirations, dormant desires. But the magic of a landing in a different and unexplored dimension doesn’t end here, in the inebriating promise of the unknown and adventures: the condition of absolute solitude, far from a civilised life, obligations and restrictions, promises Eden of total freedom and absolute happiness, and for some untouched paradises, where to test or find themselves.

In this regard, a film was recently released that narrates a true, very unusual event, the incredible story of the ‘玫瑰岛 。About fifty years ago a young Bolognese engineer, Giorgio Rosa, had the idea to create, with the help of a fellow student, an artificial platform in front of the coast of Rimini, outside the Italian territorial waters, where to live according to his own rules. With a small group of supporters, who joined the adventure by chance, he assigned his micro-nation an official language, a government, a currency and a postal code, going personally to the United Nations’ headquarters in the hope to gain the recognition of independent state for his little isle. Although he received threats and attempts of corruption, he didn’t give up and, following the advice of his girlfriend, an expert in international law, decided to submit his case to Strasbourg. The Italian government, worried about the idea of creating a precedent, occupied and finally demolished the platform. The episode makes us reflect, even if in the film the protagonist appears not a revolutionary rebel, an anarchist eager to live far from institutional rules and obligations, but a young, hopelessly idealist inventor, who doesn’t want to renounce a dream that everyone believes to be a utopia, his desire to“看到海上的玫瑰花”。

这是从长期的潜在欲望'an ambition',如果我们想使用顾客表达的术语,那就是纽约出生于哈德逊河上的人造岛屿,耗资2.6亿美元,其他120美元的维护费公民。关于这种慷慨的慈善手势,以及关于令人难以置信的地点所承诺的那些乐趣的人不可避免地爆发了争议和暗示。the pleasures of an obscenely expensive penthouse”,旨在重新创建的同样精英地区观众 - 镜头动态是城市自恋的本质”。Not appreciated by many, the project has been compared to "坐在dal上的莫奈绘画 一世 雕塑“而且在模块上已经体现了很多'tulip pot',,,,132 precast concrete piles, weighting up to 68 tons each, used as supports for the “在水上漂浮的叶子'',提出为花朵的花朵:一定数量的混凝土,涉及逻辑操作难以证明是合理的。

Diller, contacted in 2012 to contribute financially to the reconstruction of Pier 54, seriously damaged by Hurricane Sandy, replied that he didn’t consider appropriate to help the redevelopment of the pier since it would probably no longer be usable for mooring boats, but instead he had an idea, that he had been nurturing for some time, that could become visually an icon on the New York waterfront. An international competition was launched, and in 2014 revealed the winning project that encountered a series of court battles prolonged for a long time, opposed by those who were concerned about environmental sustainability, protection of aquatic wildlife and those who were against such a high budget commitment for a long-term maintenance of the park. The Diller – von Furstenberg Family Foundation at this point agreed to provide for the park for the next 20 years, until new sponsors were found, paying also for all the program of the recreational initiatives offered on the island. After more than seven years, last May, 小岛 ,,,,as it is called, was officially inaugurated. Defined by some as "New York's latest landing strip for theater, music, art - and ambition“尽管有一系列奇迹的表现,但在350种不同种类的灌木,花和树中,大面积的2.4英亩绿色的草地和山丘,山丘和休息点仍在继续受到专业媒体和媒体的负面反应,这些反应继续受到负面反应。don’t recognize it as the ecological and inclusive public space promised, seeing it only as a spectacular extravaganza.

如果这个项目看起来非常雄心勃勃,那么宣布的是丹麦历史上最具挑战性的。去年,达成了关于创建第一个的协议“能源岛”in the world, that will be followed by a later one: the first will arise in the Baltic Sea and the second in the North Sea. An area of 120 thousand square meters will be dedicated to 200 giant offshore wind turbines that, exploiting the wind in the open sea, will produce electricity destined not only for Denmark but also for the surrounding countries. The Danish industry has enjoyed a“开创性位置”在过去的风向部门中,由于这些成就,并继续保持它。设想该国历史上最高数量的倡议是自多年以来启动的计划的一部分,以减少污染排放并实现所谓的'c石灰中立'到2050年。鉴于实施的复杂性,该工厂可能不会在2033年之前产生能量。

Alongside these mega programs, it is with great pleasure that we are currently witnessing many small, but interesting proposals from a new generation of young Danish designers, who never cease to amaze us with the delicacy and sensitivity of their interventions, constantly in harmony with both the urban and human context. They face difficult environmental and social challenges, approaching the dialogue with profound respect, revealing an ethically responsible consciousness, an authentic spontaneous inclination towards a healthier, greener, happier, more socially and culturally liveable city and environment, without neglecting the lightness of playfulness.

From an idea, that uses simplicity and creativity to reach a result that enchants and captivates us for the pleasantness of its delicate gestures, have sprouted the tiny wooden floating atolls, scattered or gathered together in the South Harbour of Copenhagen, conceived and realized by the Australian architect Marshall Blecher and designer Magnus Maarbjerg of MAST, Maritime Architecture Studio. '哥本哈根群岛or 'Parkipelago',正如其作者所符合的那样,是一组适度的现实,它们是单独生活的,但是由于可能像拼图一样互锁的可能性,可以将其分组为连续而紧凑的配置,作为节日的浮动阶段,作为节日的浮动阶段,音乐会和现场活动。

A synthesis of craftsmanship, simplicity and close connection with nature, an ultra green model created for offering with various ‘sisters’, united by the same DNA, but all with a different identity, more public spaces scattered around the city, platforms moored near the coast or spread among the waters reachable by canoes, kayaks, boats, windsurfing or simply by swimming. A slender 6-meter tall linden tree, sponsored by Scandinavian Instant Trees, SITAS, a Danish company that helps to plant trees in public spaces, shades its deck while the subsequent cloning differ in gardens or mini forests, small flowery or aromatic plots where people can sunbathe or sit down to fish, jump off a diving board or dive into the sea, have a picnic with friends or relax with a good book, or even enjoy a sauna. Freely available for everyone, even during the winter season with more terrestrial activities, the islets, variegated universes, anchored or moving, capable to satisfy the need for isolation or conviviality, are inspired by the desire to fulfill the most varied needs, providing a sustainable way to spend with pleasure and fun free time in the clear waters of the inner harbour, and revitalizing abandoned parts. The project, laudable for its ability to communicate so naturally with the context and to complete the urban greenery like a real floating natural park, finds an intelligent way to catalyze and liven up social life. Sometimes certain ideas, despite having very limited budgets, can fill gaps, which are perhaps latent and satisfy less obvious but equally important needs, nurturing the pride and joy of belonging to very vibrant cities.



'Island of Holmene'

MAST (maritime architecture studio)

02:’玫瑰岛 ’ - Wiki/公共领域
纽约的“小岛”,Yoav Aziz/Unsplash
04-05: 小岛', New York, by 本·米歇尔(Ben Michel)/Unsplash
06: 小岛', New York, by Heber Galindo/Unsplash
小岛', New York, by 约翰·安吉尔/Unsplash


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