


“Prefabrication doesn't have to be boring. It can be quite romantic and quite exciting"-彼得·库克

<strong>PREFABRICATION </strong><br />

It is one of the legendary masters of silent cinema, Buster Keaton, who ironically offers us a parody of the new building methods of replicable catalog houses, pre-cut and ready to be sent on mail order. Kit houses, born in America around the first thirty years of the nineteenth century, gradually became very popular. There are three films that Keaton dedicates to this new visionary mass architecture suggesting a reason of reflection on these pioneering homes, making the sequential construction process a source of endless accidents, ever more disastrous.'一周',第一部三部曲,将巴斯特视为演员,以及导演,在即将举行的婚礼之际,从叔叔那里获得礼物,这是一个预制的'do-it-yourself'屋。大概应该内置房屋'一周'但是,嫉妒的拒绝求婚者秘密地将包装箱的数量混合在一起。我们将目睹一系列灾难性的灾难性结果:门:门而不是窗户打开的窗户,卫生室安装在外观上,以及完全不平衡的最终配置的结果,直至闭幕,看到新郎走开了with his partner, after placing a ‘FOR SALE' sign, with the construction instructions attached, over a pile of stacked remains.

One Week,布斯顿·基顿(Buston Keaton)的电影。Photo references of the film.

In these assembly processes presented in a humoristic and bizarre way, there is a very precise allusion to a company that at that time was selling a huge number of standard catalog homes. Sears, Roebuck and Company with its '目录现代房屋', represented a true authority in the sector and was able to offer the customers very affordable purchase costs, thanks to the capability to produce in quantities the materials and to halve construction times, with the same quality as traditional residences. The benefits were genuine, but Keaton created paradoxical circumstances by interpreting new technological currents that he sensed would likely help an on-going change. Trends of greater flexibility, closely related to future housing needs. Defined by someone as a“有远见的建筑师”and in his own words as a'failed engineer',他被证明已经克服了针对新型设计移动性的规范模型。实际上,他经常在电影中提出一个动力学的​​房子,没有基础,内部完全充满电和移动,从真实的意义上讲。因此,锡尔斯的预制房屋被选为不采取谴责,而是作为讨论奇妙故事开始的起点,这是对减少建筑概念的挑战,被允许预见到令人惊讶,令人惊讶的结果。#raybet官网

Sears, Roebuck and Company, ‘Catalog Modern House’.

送货上门,以一种预期的前途,以支持殖民帝国的扩张,例如英国和法国,代表了一个梦想,涉及不同世代的建筑师,目的是结合需求和创新。雷竞技下载链接正如Barry Bergdoll在2008年策划了MOMA这类建筑的展览的Barry Bergdoll所述:“In architecture, the history of prefabrication is, in some senses, the history of modernism. The prefabricated house continues to be one of architecture’s most radical pursuits. Prefabrication is a reflection on the house as a critical agent in the discourse of sustainability, architectural invention, and new formal research”.

从组装和可运输的房屋到世界上最高的预制塔,例如最近设计的两个56层的双子街区,到2026年,他们的诞生将在新加坡到2026年,我们的星球受到了严格繁殖且受到严重污染的,也许已经找到了一个。预制的较浅的占地面积,更符合环境的模式,从生态可持续的角度影响较小。通过质疑新的生活边界,考虑气候变化,避免以尊重经济的名义浪费资源,该章程着眼于'community“更大”equity', the architects, in significantly increasing number are re-evaluating modularity as a new horizon, that, contemplating technology and nature at the same time, promises to satisfy the aspiration for a better life.

“野心是通过负担得起,宜居和可持续的解决方案解决住房危机。”肯定的是丹麦的一群建筑师Effekt的合伙人Sinus Lynge。雷竞技下载链接这是一个非常年轻,勇敢和专注于自然环境的全新一代,这不仅是为了审美的愉悦,而且最重要的是为了实现健康的集体生活,旨在实现真诚的研究。并由代际关系组成,应有意图。Relevant is the quantity of new homes demanded with growing insistence due to the increasing global population, and the reduction in number of family’s members, and we have not to underestimate that to afford one of them is becoming a privilege of an increasingly limited percentage of people. There are currently many specialized companies that are concentrating on the goal of providing affordable, sustainable houses, fast to build, with extremely diversified layouts and combinations, meeting nearly zero-energy. Trying to optimize the various convenient aspects and the potential of prefabrication, thanks to a technology become incredibly sophisticated, with the aid of 3D printing and robotization, pushing the limits of design and materiality, could potentially be stemmed the housing crisis, with proposals not temporary but able to satisfy multiple awaiting needs, as the social requirements in support for the community, the economic imperatives and of course the environmental issues.
Times have certainly changed a lot and for the reasons I have listed above they require us to completely redefine the way in which buildings are conceived and built, but we have not to condemn a system that undoubtedly offered many advantages over the course of our civilization. During this 17th Architecture Venice Biennale, among the various voices that gave life to installations, intending to respond with relevance, emphasizing the urgency for spaces in which to live generously together, implicit in Hashim Sarkis' question, it was possible to hear the story told by the Finnish Pavilion with“新标准”。由阿尔托大学,劳拉·伯杰(Laura Berger),菲利普·蒂德威尔(Philip T#raybet官网idwell)和克里斯托·维西卡萨(Kristo Vesikansa)的三位建筑历史学家策划的提案,使我们能够重新审视过去的时刻,在这种时刻中,建筑师和行业联合起来克服了紧急危机,例如由危机代表。雷竞技下载链接来自卡雷利亚的难民的重新安置。1940年,在《莫斯科和平条约》之后,芬兰发现自己处于必须容纳超过40万人的困难情况。由于一名企业家的勇敢的远见,他被迫面对这一严重的紧急情况,诞生于工业公司Puutalo Oy,他在不到十年的时间里成为了世界上最重要的预制木制房屋的制造商之一。从本章中汲取灵感,似乎被不公正地忽略了,该展览想认识到那些为芬兰在国际上享有的声誉做出了重大贡献的人,这是为了认识的信用。为此,这三位作者诉诸于纪录片之旅,包括一些摄影师的图像,这些摄影师证明了该产品如何不断出口到今天,直到今天在50多个国家 /地区,事实证明,不仅非常适合和抵抗力对于任何类型的气候和大气剂,但也很容易修改,以实现我们每个人对自己家中固有的个性的渴望。
还有另一个事件可以追溯到1755年,它可以很好地证明模块化方法的效率,并在大规模上提供了其最早使用的示例之一。里斯本因暴力地震和海啸而震惊和破坏,并被两家灾难造成的火灾摧毁。计划重建的历史将是该国历史上的关键人物,这是一年内完成的干预措施,其特征是重要的决定。塞巴斯蒂·德·梅洛(SebastiãodeMelo)当时被称为庞巴尔侯爵(Marquis de Pombal),有着相当进步的想法。他以前是伦敦大使,并培养了对英国经济体系的特别钦佩,以盎格鲁 - 撒克逊人的榜样成功地试图改革葡萄牙经济。在这场灾难之际,他设法掌握了分配给一组建筑师的城市复兴项目。雷竞技下载链接正是通过他的明确意愿,必须仔细评估建筑物的结构,以承受其他可能的地震。自从里斯本中心和受影响最大的地区的贝萨(Baixa致命事件。该倡议不仅标志着地震学是一门科学的诞生,而且还标志着建筑和城市主义风格'pombalino',预期反性设计和创新的预制构造方法的第一个特征。所有计划最多有四层楼的建筑物都在城市外建造,分块运输,然后在现场组装,证明今天仍然完全安全且抗拒。在1773年,始终愿他愿意以与西班牙边界的阿尔加维(Algarve)的葡萄牙葡萄牙葡萄牙市Vila Real de SantoAntónio,完全以完全相同的方式建造。

李斯邦纳,1755年,剧烈的地震和海啸毁灭性的绘画。照片di Wiki/公共领域


至于能够满足个性要求的预制房屋,在美国,一些加利福尼亚建筑师,尤其是在洛杉矶地区,创造了极其创新和高质量的作品。雷竞技下载链接战争结束前一年,“战后房屋”上的一份宣言发表在总部位于加利福尼亚的期刊艺术和建筑中。#raybet官网出版商本人约翰·恩滕扎(John Entenza)以及他的社论助手查尔斯(Charles)和雷·埃姆斯(Ray Eames)阐述了这些原则,并由Eero Saarinen和Buckminster Fuller撰写。他们意识到要到达的房屋的巨大要求,他们还意识到,军事努力产生了无法忽视的社会,经济和技术变化,不同的材料和集会应该定义了战后住房的方向。一所单户房屋是希望和奖励的人,这是在这么多牺牲之后返回的人。这个现代住宅的关键策略在于新生产技术,新材料和新工业技能的智能应用。他们的预制宣言”代表战后的召集武器”, was an opportunity to promote a new architecture and not simply a means of addressing short-term demands, as a sort of ‘定格间隙’ or ‘渡过’.

在欧洲的各个地区,预制提出了最合适的回应,即战争结束时的破坏,腐烂和住房短缺的一般荒凉的情况,但也见证了各种政治上的意识形态假设所确定的反应和用途,这也截然不同。想法。在意大利,从1930年代开始的三年岛Di Milano的各种展览开始解决模块化的主题,并采取了一系列计划,调查了能够丰富A的方面。customization“不仅是一种纯粹的功能便利性语言。将在实验基础上成功研究和原型研究新方法的开创性尝试,为实际的工业化做准备,这是确认肯定的艺术作家身份的最终努力。雷竞技下载链接设计师必须试图调整其产品的有限传播,其特征是工艺卓越的特征,即最新的市场扩张,这些市场为更广泛的受众提供了,以负担得起的成本需要高质量的产品。因此,生产逐渐变得越来越必不可少。满足高技术要求,但也提出了对Comp的刺激源自自由。这项新技术通过施工位点的机械化,最终进入了通用语义。



封面:“飞行面板 - 混凝土面板如何改变世界”的挖掘。Archivi fn。Aleksandr Deyneka建筑和平1960年的素描,壁画马赛克首次国家艺术展览,苏联俄罗斯,特雷列科夫画廊
01-04:一个星期,布斯顿·基顿(Buston Keaton)的电影。
05-07:Sears,Roebuck和Company,‘Catalog Modern House’.
08-11:Puutalo Oy,芬兰。'新标准’,委内兹建筑双年展17。#raybet官网芬兰馆的照片/信用Elka档案馆。
12:利斯邦纳,1755年,剧烈的地震和海啸毁灭性的绘画。照片di Wiki/公共领域
13-15: 'Flying Panels - How Concrete Panels Changed the World' Exhbit. Archivi FN. 14- Gerbert Rappaport Cherrytown, Cheryomushki, 1963, 15- Sune Sundahl Installation Large Concrete Panels in Residential Buildings

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