
战术城市主义 - 街道


是1968年5月,许多年轻人在巴黎街头抗议。耶稣会士,米歇尔·德·证书(Michel de Certeau),历史,人类学和精神分析学者,不想通过属于宗教秩序来使他认为是出于正确理由发生的事情的授权,并写道:“voices that had never been heard have transformed us".

<strong>战术城市主义 - 街道< /strong> <br />
是1968年5月,许多年轻人在巴黎街头抗议。耶稣会士,米歇尔·德·证书(Michel de Certeau),历史,人类学和精神分析学者,不想通过属于宗教秩序来使他认为是出于正确理由发生的事情的授权,并写道:“voices that had never been heard have transformed us“。从来没有发生过如此巨大的集体抗议活动:与工人阶级的学生不满,这两个现实是在相互援助和支持方面团结的。这一突然的一致性给他留下了深刻的印象。在他看来,这是第一次,即使广泛的不满情绪以如此多的仇恨表达,他也很高兴读到选择让所有声音一起听到的声音一起听到”民主的直接经验“随之而来的所有含义”a 需要批判性思想,所有人的创造性和负责任参与的合法性,自治和自我管理的主张,以及自由的盛宴 - 想象力和诗意庆祝的力量...“在那一刻出现在墙壁上的铭文下划线,并像回声一样响起他的思想,”从现在开始的诗歌在街上". The French philosopher, an extremely interesting and eclectic intellectual, had repeatedly reiterated how the'策略'used by a dominant system and prevailing ideologies force citizens to adapt to a life not really suited to their necessities, leading to '策略',并非总是有意识地采用逃避和改建未考虑应有的迫切性的事件。从单独实施以克服效率低下的小型日常计划,如果行动变得更加自愿,有时可以实现真正的变化。

In his book'The Practice of Everyday Life'De Certeau将空间用于城市规划。那个空白页面是由专家在与政府和机构机构合作的专家中凝结和代表的,其中一个映射是”使城市的复杂性可读,并在清晰的文字中修复其不透明的机动性” responds to the regulations of an abstract planning, independent from the "语义层“这使其成为真实阅读的词汇。由自上而下的过程确定的城市权威会产生意外的拨款,“聪明的把戏,‘猎人的狡猾’,演习,多态性模拟,快乐的发现,诗意和战争般的戏剧性”2015年,城市规划师迈克·莱顿(Mike Lydon)与策划人安东尼·加西亚(Anthony Garcia)合作,将出版“战术城市主义:长期变革的短期行动”,一本关于这些微型干预的书,由某些人定义为“自制',能够激发具体的城市改进。

有问题的情况,空白和‘休眠’ spaces, dysfunctionalities, as effect of the slowness of certain bureaucratic procedures, are the main reasons that cause this kind of approaches in their various forms, temporary, improvisational, guerrilla, unsolicited, tactical, informal, DIY, pop-up, unplanned, participatory, micro, open-source, characterized by a provisional nature, a limited cost and scale and the active involvement of local actors. Efforts that, making use of compelling strategies, implement tactics different from a conventional practice, capable of triggering, beyond their provisional appearance, a series of positive effects, raising attention or awareness of the administrative institutions on'不透明'时刻,使城市更具可持续性,可访问和包容性。它们是小想法,通过将特殊兴趣的一致性转向一个熟悉的生活环境,以改善它的愿望而动画,以填补空白并引起重要的转变。

The examples of spontaneous actions that can be considered part of this movement, happening for a common interest, are truly many and can appeal to the most varied urban 'cracks':腐烂,危险,匆忙发展,不适和边缘化的原因引起的危险的时刻。有人说,城市是永恒的作品,这些纠正行为以其简单性和独创性使我们感到惊讶的方式和趋势出现,因为十年前发生的是北卡罗来纳州一个小镇罗利(Raleigh)的一个游击项目。在一个冬天的夜晚,有两个朋友的同谋,在黑暗和雨水的帮助下,一个城市规划的学生马特·托马苏洛(Matt Tomasulo)发表了大约30个防风雨标志,并带有方向箭头,表明“步行分钟” to reach the destinations and QR code. The initiative aimed to promote a healthier life and improve walkability, highlighting and modifying an erroneous, widespread perception, emerged from a survey, which discouraged almost all people from moving from one point to another, because in their mind too far. This modest unauthorized campaign unexpectedly received a very high level of civic participation, becoming a pilot program. "步行罗利" will provoke emulation and interest from many other countries.

2005年,在旧金山市中心缺乏任何绿色区域的一条单调的街道上,艺术与设计工作室Rebar构思了一个小型的动手公园。带有200平方英尺的草地毯,长凳和一棵盆栽树,他们覆盖了一个混凝土停车场,支付了两个小时的票。该装置具有明显的象征价值:绿色点的较小性,周围地区的广阔区域突出了,完全致力于停车或循环汽车的流通,明确谴责了城市为社交活动,健康和享受的公共空间而言,很少有公共空间它的公民。在由付费收据合法化的两个小时中,该小组注意到几个人使用了“garden",坐在树荫下的长凳上。他们拍了一些照片,并在网络上出版了它们,引发了人们对缺乏城市公共绿色的广泛兴趣和真正的辩论。'Parklet'evolved into an international event, a global, participatory art project launched by Rebar studio, which invites artists, activists, ordinary citizens from all over the world every year, on the third Friday of September, to convert and temporarily reprogram vehicle parking areas into small parks, places for art and play, activism and social exchange.
1968年,巴黎学生在巴黎发出的信息赞成真实的参与式民主,”Elections dont mean nothing—Vote where the power is—Our power is in the street”,强调了一个曾经并且仍然是颠覆行动潜力最大的阶段之一,这是由对变革的渴望推动的。在谈到这一元素,这条街,似乎是一位在共识但强烈争议的女性中提到的,努力实施了更多'慢下来'生活的类型并鼓励大都市中的社区关系。“One of the good legacies of Robert Moses is that, because he paved so much, we能够收回它 并重复使用它,”Janette Sadik-Khan说,六年来任命了纽约市运输专员。这位现代的简·雅各布斯(Jane Jacobs)经常引用她的灵感作为一个指导她重塑道路的榜样,自豪地声称通过恢复了数百英亩为货运而战斗,通过创造人们创造人们的地方之一来进行的战斗。喜欢娱乐自己 而不是人们想停车的地方。”

从1950年代的繁荣中,战后时期的特征,越来越多的汽车人口遍布城市的街道和这位战斗机,以捍卫人们在人与人之间以更平衡的方式和可持续的运输方式共享的城市空间,似乎这 'last century’,将道路网络加倍,鼓励更多的人开车,使用一种非常错误的策略使交通拥堵,可与那些建议的参数相媲美。deal 通过松开皮带来肥胖”. Janette strived to find a remedy to these errors by creating nearly 400 miles of cycle paths, more than 60 pedestrian squares and reserving express bus lanes.

从信念开始,如果您想建造一个更好的城市,可以从建造自行车道开始”, she has made the bicycle a basic means of transport, rather than an alternative or marginal transport, not only by implementing safe cycling infrastructures but also contributing to the launch of Citi Bike, the nation's largest bike sharing system. There are many other initiatives that she has adopted to demonstrate the potential of the street, perhaps one of the most valuable resources for citizens, where“人行道联系人 -as Jane Jacobs has repeatedly emphasized- are the small change from which a city's wealth of public life may grow”.Thinking small, with a little imagination and the resources available will be the peculiarities that will animate many of her interventions, deliberately intended for quick appropriations, with limited means, able to test people's reactions and above all help them to imagine the changes, get used to them, understanding that "you can paint the city you want to see“这就是一些最拥挤的沥青,绝对神经中心的方式,已经对汽车封闭了,例如先驱广场和时代广场,突然用雨伞和免费的咖啡馆或甲板椅子上点缀着夜间游击队 -风格的微型操作,只不过是油漆罐,临时家具,例如种植者和橙色交通锥。

1974年,一群自行车倡导者驾驶了一项计划,以关闭哥伦比亚首都汽车的道路,仅开放了骑自行车和休闲。这项值得称赞的尝试开始'La Ciclovía', an event that, thanks to the enthusiastic support of the citizens, has become one of the most successful mass recreational events in the world. The unanimous protest against the proliferation of cars, environmental pollution and the scarcity of recreational spaces in Bogotà, saw the route be extended from 20 to 120 km, opened almost continuously over the years every Sunday and during public holidays, allowing everyone, even those who cannot benefit from a park near their home, to run, cycle, jog or walk their dog and join various recreational activities added along the street or in the adjacent green lungs, such as dance and yoga classes.

It is perhaps in the hope of making something equally magical, allowing to taste the pleasure of living New York without the car that Janette Sadik-Khan dedicated hundreds of acres of space to bicycles and pedestrians, inaugurating in 2008 the "Summer Streets", seven miles of central streets closed to the motorization for incentivizing people to use them without any danger. Her greatest success, however, is perhaps the spirit of emulation that she has been able to provoke in large and small communities that, by resorting to her pop-up techniques, have achieved permanent changes.



Tactical Urbanism
Cover,Parklet 2005,Rebar Studio,加利福尼亚州旧金山,照片Wiki/公共领域
01-09:Parklets 2014,加利福尼亚州旧金山的企业建筑师,Cesar Rubio的照片 - 由V2COM / FN档案馆提供
10,战术城市主义,弹出自行车道照片/Flickr Nick Falbo CC
11, Tactical Urbanism, Photo/flickr NACTO NY
12, Times Square, NY Wiki/Public Domain
13, Street Seats 2019, Parsons School of Constructed Environments, New York, Photo by Eric Feuster / FN Archive
14,2018年街头座位,帕森斯建筑环境学院,纽约,埃里克·菲斯特(Eric Feuster) / fn档案馆
15-18, Viva Vancouver, Pop Up, Rain CityBlock by Public Disco, Flickr/Photo: Alison Boulier
19,20,21 cicolvia,Bogotà,Flickr/Photo Nathaa
23, 24 Apicultura Studio, Milan
25, Piazza Angilberto, Photo Matteo Cirenei / FN Archive

