
Gae Aulenti:Vitra Schaudepot的创意宇宙展览

Gae aulenti,,,,

Santi Caleca,Andreas Jung,Hans Visser,Erich Hartmann,RM,Aldo Ballo,AndreasSütterlin,

Weil Am Rhein,德国,,,,



On 28 February 2020 Vitra Schaudepot inaugurated the exhibition “Gae Aulenti: A Creative Universe” about Italy’s Gae Aulenti, one of the most influential post-war architects and designers, whose iconic works such as the 1965 Pipistrello lamp played an important role in Italian design and helped make the country’s products famous world-wide.

Gae Aulenti:Vitra Schaudepot的创意宇宙展览

维特拉设计博物馆向展览中的一位重要的意大利建筑师和设计师致敬。Gae Aulenti:创意宇宙”,于2020年2月28日在Vitra Schaudepot,博物馆永久收藏的展览中心。Herzog&de Meuron
Gae Aulenti:创意宇宙”探索由意大利最具影响力的战后建筑师和设计师设计的建筑物和物品,目的是增加建筑师的国际名望。雷竞技下载链接Gae Auteri的标志性设计,例如“ Locus Solus”系列(1964),“ Pipistrello” Lamps(1965)和“ Re Sole”(1967年),自1960年代以来就为意大利设计的兴起促成了世界名望。

展览Vitra Schaudepotexplores all Gae Aulenti’s work, not only her architectural projects and product designs but her interiors, stage sets, exhibitions and costumes, including 35 objects Aulenti designed over the course of her career, complete with photographs, sketches and designs for interiors and architectural projects, and screenings of documentary films and interviews.
所选的物品只是一些家具和配件Gae aulenti在她的职业生涯中设计,并用来提供自己的房子或她设计的房屋。展览的开头是她为Poltronova设计的物品,例如她的家具,“ Sgarsul”(1962),“ Stringa” Sofa(1963)和“ Solus solus solus”系列Garden Furniture(1964)。它继续使用为Zanotta开发的产品,例如“ Locus Solus”(1964年),“ Aprilina”折叠式椅子(1964)以及七十年代生产的随后版本。她为Fontanaarte设计的灯,展示了建筑师对各种材料的使用以及她在作品中的创新方法,例如“ Giova”玻璃灯和Vase(1964)和“ Rimorchiatore” Hybrid Lamp(1967)。Gae Aluthi的职业生涯始于著名的意大利工业家奥利维蒂(Olivetti)在巴黎的陈列室(1966/67)和布宜诺斯raybet官网艾利斯(Buenos Aires)(1968),并继续进行了她的世界成名的建筑项目。这些包括她的计划巴黎的加尔·奥赛,从火车站转变为博物馆(1980- 1986年),Mnam-乔治·庞皮杜(Georges Pompidou在巴塞罗那的Montjuïc(1985 - 1992年)中,该博物馆成为了卡塔卢尼亚艺术博物馆。The exhibition also includes a selection of lesser-known works such as designs for make-up packaging, vases and other objects demonstrating the Italian architect and designer’s great versatility and her unusual sensibility and ability to respond to specific needs with objects that have become icons of Italian style and design.

(Agnese Bifulco)

图片由Archivio Gae Aulenti和Vitra Design博物馆提供
Aldo Ballo(04,07)的照片,Santi Caleca(05),Erich Hartmann(06),Andreas Jung,RM(01,03),AndreasSütterlin,Hans Visser(02)。

展览标题:Gae Austii:创意宇宙
策展人:Tanja Cunz
持续时间:29.02。- 11.10.2020
地点:Vitra Schaudepot,Charles-Eames-STR。2-79576 Weil Am Am Rhein,德国
标签:#vitraschaudepot #gaaulenti


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