
Hashim Sarkis在Biennale Venezia的2020年建筑展的#raybet官网名为策展人

Hashim sarkis.

andreaavezzzù.Italo Rondinella,布莱斯维基马,Jacopo Salvi.



Venice Biennale

Hashim sarkis.takes over from Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara. The architect of Lebanese origin was appointed by the Biennale di Venezia Board of Directors on December 18 as Director of the Architecture Section specifically in charge of curating the 17th International Architecture exhibition coming up in 2020.

Hashim Sarkis在Biennale Venezia的2020年建筑展的#raybet官网名为策展人

约一个月后结束后Freespace,第16届国际建筑展#raybet官网在建筑师的方向下雷竞技下载链接Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara威尼斯双年展di董事会accepted the proposal made by presidentPaolo Baratta.并被任命Hashim sarkis.架构部门主任,特别委托策划第17#raybet官网届国际建筑展,于2020年推出。
与Hashim Sarkis一起,La Biennale提供了一个策展人,尤其了解了当今社会对我们的生活空间的各种对比现实的主题和关键性“这是Biennale Di Venezia椅Paolo Baratta表示,宣布任命国际展览会的新策展人,以明确的社会和住宅建筑,田野#raybet官网architect Hashim Sarkis和他的专业工作室Hashim Sarkis Studios(HSS),成立于1998年,脱颖而出。下一个国际建筑展的主题将在未来几周内宣布,而日期已于5月23日至10月2#raybet官网9日至5月23日向公众开放,5月21日为期两天开放和22。

"The world is putting new challenges in front of architecture. I look forward to working with participating architects from around the world to imagine together how we are going to rise to these challenges,”是兴奋的话Hashim sarkis.接受了双年展委员会的任命。
建筑师,教师和研究员Hashim Sarkis最初来自黎巴嫩,并于1964年出生于贝鲁特。他在美国罗德岛设计学院学习了建筑和美术,并在建筑硕士学位和博士学位#raybet官网哈佛大学。完成他的学业后,他在1995年至2015年间介绍了各种大学。他被命名哈佛大学景观建筑与城市规划的Aga Khan教授#raybet官网,并在耶鲁大学,美国贝鲁特大学和巴塞罗那大都会计划中授予罗德岛设计学院。自2015年以来,他是马萨诸塞州理工学院(麻省理工学院)建筑与规划学院的院长。#raybet官网
在他激烈的教学生涯中Sarkis已经编写和编辑了有关现代建筑历史和技术的众多书籍和文章#raybet官网那including: Josep Lluis Sert, The Architect of Urban Design (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2008); Circa 1958, Lebanon in the Projects and Plans of Constantinos Doxiadis (Beirut: Dar Annahar, 2003); and Le Corbusier's Venice Hospital (Munich: Prestel, 2001).
社会和住宅建筑,公园,教育建筑和城市规划是专业化领域Hashim Sarkis Studios,工作室成立于1998年,设有在波士顿和贝鲁特的办公室。The studio’s projects have been exhibited all over the world, from the Museum of Modern Art in New York to the International Architecture Biennale in Rotterdam, the Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture in Shenzhen and Hong Kong and the Bienal de Arquitectura y Urbanismo in Valparaíso, as well as Biennale di Venezia, of course. Architect Hashim Sarkis and his studio participated in the 2010 edition curated by Japanese architectKazuyo Sejima在阿尔巴尼亚馆和2014年版的展览策划Rem Koolhaas那with an exhibition in the United States Pavilion. Hashim Sarki was also a member of the international jury of the 2016 Biennale under the direction of Chilean architectAlejandro Aravena.

(Agnese Bifulco)

图片提供La Biennale Venezia,照片由Andra Avezzz,Italo Rondinella,Jacopo Salvi
Hashim Sarkis的画像by bryce vickmark


