
HBAAT和V +:文化空间和市政电影,Marcq-en-Barœul

Hart Berteloot Atelier Architecture Territoire (HBAAT), V plus,



The town of Marcq-en-Baroeul, in Hauts-de-France, has a new cultural centre and meeting-place integrated into its urban context. The building by Hart Berteloot Atelier Architecture Territoire and V plus pays tribute to local history and to great legends of the cinema.

HBAAT和V +:文化空间和市政电影,Marcq-en-Barœul

Hart Berteloot Atelier Architecture Territoire (HBAAT) of Lille and V plus of Brussels won the 2017 competition and were commissioned by the town of Marcq-en-Baroeul, in Hauts-de-France, to design a new cinema in Place Doumer.
市政府希望建筑物举例说明了一个modern cultural systemfor Marcq-en-Baroeul, in which the arts come together to revitalise the social fabric of this neighbourhood at the gateway to the town. The new space is to contain three cinemas (with 80, 120 and 300 seats), a party room for up to 700 people, a café-brasserie and rehearsal rooms for the local music school.
电影不仅仅是一个个人经历,而且,作为参与和分享的表现返回的遗传:这是“Le Pont des Arts”项目的概念,建于2021年在一个多功能大厅的前网站。。面对一个具有强大商业职业的广场,中央停车场也主持了当地市场,Doumer Hall模仿了Lille和Marcq-en-Baroeul的建筑典型的红砖墙,但没有任何特定的声望。#raybet官网单层建筑物从正方形设置回来,具有门限制访问。周围的是两层公寓和商店,俯瞰着大型停车场有什么影响,without any real centre或分化交通路线。
“Le Pont des Arts”文化中心展示了尊重其城市环境,并为城镇提供了新的地标,在该地区的航线。基本概念受到HBAAT和V +对当今电影建筑局限性的思考的启发,该建筑物是从内部建造的多路复用技术设施,正式的压抑,使其郊区周围的环境比以前更糟糕。他们分析了艺术装饰电影院的历史,如罗瑞·蒙特格尔夫的ColiséeLumière,不远离Doumer,以及调查了砖石和砖装饰品Marcq-en-Baroeul镇的建筑词典典型。该项目解释了所有这些影响,并带回了裸手工砖包覆,直接和弯曲的元素拥抱各种形状来建立优越的团结。建筑物的苍白颜色确保其外部包层和混凝土内饰的一致性。
新文化中#raybet官网心的建筑does not seek verticality或者将自己施加为纪念碑,但它的主要立面可以实现与广场上的店面的对齐,完成通过该镇的步行路线。该项目建立了与路人的初始关系with an all-glass base inspired by Art Deco cinemas, opening up views into the foyer, bar-brasserie and entrance area, where curved windows form a recessed entrance area.

The atmosphere of expectation prior to the show begins on this walkway, from which patrons can already glimpse the cinema’s refined but modern interiors.
While the foyer seems to reach out toward the square and the city, the screening rooms, party room and music school remain in the background but rise taller, establishinga relationship on a second scale, that of architecture and the neighbourhood。该计划中的三个核在围绕大型空间排列的三个卷中分开,位于门厅上方的露台。到西方是300个座椅筛选大厅,两个较小的大厅位于中间的另一个大厅,而东部的数量包含音乐学校,向城市延伸,党厅开放在落后的花园建筑物。
由此形成的块不构成建筑物的封闭式窗帘,但是a multiple, fragmented landscape。它们之间是两个层面的新内部人行道,将建筑物切割成半交叉,打开超越视野。门厅的戏剧性窗户吸引了广场中人们的注意,将眼睛拉到后面的花园。成为关注中心的大楼梯提供了进入筛选室和建筑师致电第四个大厅的露台,户外放映的屋顶露台,派对和小音乐会。雷竞技下载链接他们的意图是让整个广场参与在“Le Pont des Arts”进行的活动中,作为一个echo chamber。装饰内饰与玻璃和混凝土结合了木材。向里尔,Roubaix和陀螺纺织业向纺织业致敬,由当地公司数量数字制作的大挂毯说明了法国艺术电影的场景,代替了电影海报。精心策划所有鳞片,从都市缩小到设计家具和照明的设计,从广场上看到的项目是戏剧性的,而在晚上,它框架的戏剧群体等待展会开始,所有的魅力城市客厅

Mara Corradi.

Architects: Hart Berteloot Atelier Architecture Territoire (HBAAT) & V plus
Client: Ville de Marcq-en-Baroeul
地点:Marcq-en-Baroeul, Lille, France
Richard Klein, architecture historian
Greisch / Bet结构
BEA / BET Fluids
内阁Becquart /经济学家
Leblanc & Venacque / Landscaping
一般承包商:Tommasini Costruzioni
Surface: 3000 sqm
Competition: 2017
(01-04)Cyrille Weiner Photographe,https://cyrilleweiner.com/fr/
(05- 27) Hart Berteloot Atelier Architecture Territoire (HBAAT)http://hbaat.fr/

