
L22 Urban&Building by Lombardini22,Sarca 222大楼的新城市图像


Tettamanzi Studio,,,,




Lombardini22在米兰的Viale Sarca 222的一座工业建筑上完成了一个城市更新项目,该项目于60年代建造,并于2000年代初进行了翻新。该建筑现在拥有由Lombardini22的L22 Urban&Building部门设计的新城市图像,与该地区的发展一致。建筑师设雷竞技下载链接计了一个框架和玻璃元素的网格,使Sarca 222具有固体和空心的动态节奏。

L22 Urban&Building by Lombardini22,Sarca 222大楼的新城市图像

Bicoccadistrict on the northeast edge of Milan, divided between the municipalities of Greco and Sesto San Giovanni, was the heart of the city’s industrial district in the early twentieth century, the symbol and driving economic power behind the industrialisation of the region of Lombardy and the whole country of Italy. Delocalisation and factory closures had a strong impact on the look of the neighbourhood beginning in the eighties, but progressive recovery and conversion of industrial areas has now transformed the Bicocca district into a university campus and a centre of the service industry, home to research facilities operated by important nationally and privately owned organisations as well as new homes and services such as Teatro degli Arcimboldi, HangarBicocca exhibition centre and Bicocca Village. In this dynamic context,Lombardini22sDEGW和L22 Urban&Building分区更新了城市形象没有的工业建筑。222 Viale Sarca

该工业物业在六十年代建造,并在2000年代初期已经进行了翻新。该建筑现在具有新的明亮,充满活力的城市形象,该图像与该地区的最新发展相一致,该区域由立面包装模块形成的固体和空心节奏创造。Lombardini22的两个部门在卷中工作,DEGW翻新入口和庭院L22 Urban&Building然后,添加了动态的新外壳交替固体和空心,并带有框架和玻璃元素的网格。
该建筑物在地面上方三个层面上包含实验室和办公室,并设有地下车库和技术区域。入口的设计允许在优雅,诱人的空间中更方便,光明地访问建筑物,欢迎游客。接待区的特色是木材的leitmotif,伴随着用户和访客在建筑物周围的途中:木板的天花板板引导人们从入口到接待台的人们,该木板是白色的,但有一个木制插件,反映了接收的共同主题区域。内饰中的家具和覆盖物都在灰色的调色板上绘制,回忆起设计的新立面L22 Urban&Building。内部庭院在入口的前面,并设计为自然延伸,由degw成为整个建筑物的新聚合中心。L22 Urban&Building给建筑物的外部进行了整容,清洁和恢复现有的立面,并以与覆盖有瓷器板的底座相同的无烟煤颜色来修饰建筑物的不透明部分。覆盖顶部玻璃面板的金属框架突出了固体和空心的交替,从而使建筑物的节奏及其新图像非常适合其更改的城市环境。

(Agnese Bifulco)


客户:Savills投资管理SGR SPA
设计:degw www.degw.it - Gruppo Lombardini22www.lombardini22.com
立面:L22 Urban&Building - Gruppo Lombardini22www.lombardini22.com
照片:Tettamanzi Studio

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