
PérezPalaciosArquitectos:Casa Octavia在墨西哥城

PPAAPérezPalaciosArquitectos Asociaros,




PérezPalaciosArquitectos:Casa Octavia在墨西哥城

Casa Octavia in Mexico City is a hybrid project intended for use as a hotel, but with spaces and an internal layout also permitting other uses. Octavia, a Mexican fashion brand for young women inbasic简约的风格,正在寻求扩展到酒店市场,同时探索在城市公众之间推广和分发衣物的新方法。它正在为PPAAPérezPalaciosArquitectos Asociaco的参与而这样做,指定为Avenida Amatlan设计了新的建筑Hipòdromo Condesa区。
Avenida Amatlan介绍了一系列小型建筑,只有一个或两个楼层高,在不同的数十年中建造。街道没有单一的统一风格或配色方案,但就像附近的其他街道一样,它脱颖而出decorum and presence of greenery
行人维度在邻居是鼓励八仙舞在这里开放的,这是一个维持的新建筑the same scale as the neighbourhood,外墙设计和地板空间,促进城市和社会遭遇。
该网站PPAAPérezPalaciosArquitectos Asociacos致力于一个长而狭窄的矩形批次,单个自由墙,在另外三面相邻建筑物之间挤压。因此,他们必须制作大部分建筑物的外墙,将其转化为玻璃界面,围绕A筛选木制落日with a vertical orientation. The wall on Avenida Amatlan is geometric, made up of three stringcourses and pillars corresponding to the volumes inside; the sunbreak superimposes another, much denser grid over this concrete one. The architects prefer a极简主义词汇表那in line with Octavia’s brand image.

In accordance with this concept of unbuilt, undetermined space, the interiors are arranged around a big empty space, a courtyard surrounded by high walls connected directly with the world outside on the ground floor. The position of the pillars visible on the façade identifies卷的内部布局超越了庭院:酒店的中央机构,向东走向较小的走道,以及西部的庭院。酒店的七间客房和套房位于街道和背部的建筑面上,距离户外和绿色植物等各方等待。
Plenty of light comes in through the sunbreaks and glass of the main façade, while自然通风is encouraged by exchange with the balconies on the inner wall, overlooking the courtyard.
Special attention was paid to the design of the interiors, drawing inspiration from the personality of the Octavia brand, which is associated with fresh, elegant, welcoming spaces. This atmosphere is transferred by creating contrasts between the common areas of the atrium and patio and the private spaces of the suites. This difference is evident in the courtyard, where the两种材料成语一起:粗糙的墙壁和未完成的表面on one side, perfection and attention to detail on the other. The colour palette includes a variety of hues of ochre and grey, emphasised as the light changes during the day. The colours of wood and wicker, used to make all the furnishings inside the hotel, combine with the lush green plants to create an atmosphere of domesticity.

Mara Corradi.

Architects: PPAA Pérez Palacios arquitectos Asociados
Pablo Pérez Palacios + Alfonso de la Concha Rojas, Miguel Vargas, Jorge Quiroga, Hermann Tamayo
Built surface: 340 sqm
照片作者:Maureen M. Evans(02-08,20-22)/ Luis Garvan(01,17-19)/ Luis Young(09-16)

