
Perspektiv: Offices for FEG - Fortuna Entertainment Group in Prague

Studio Perspektiv,

Studio Flusser,



The new headquarters of Fortuna Entertainment Group (FEG) in the heart of Prague is an interior design project based on the concept of a post-pandemic office. Czech firm Perspektiv relies on the vertical connection of floors to replace open-plan spaces, combined with informal workspaces and large-scale graphics.

Perspektiv: Offices for FEG - Fortuna Entertainment Group in Prague

今天,我们正在研究办公室的主题 - 尤其是其内饰的主题 - 在Perspektiv为Fortuna Entertainment Group的新办公室展示了一个项目,于2019年开始,并于2020年底完成。
The theme of the office of the future - specifically, the post-pandemic office - is one that has been on everyone’s lips for months, ever since cities saw the lights turned off for almost all the large complexes for the service industry, which have remained as monuments, vestiges of a past that we may have lost forever. All this has occurred because nearly overnight, we saw the implementation of what could have been planned over the course of years, namely the introduction of remote working and a total overhaul of when and where we work, often finding us in places that are very different indeed to the traditional office.
What, then, is the right way to redesign the office today, or how will it be redesigned in the not-too-distant future? This is an increasingly pressing question not only now - in this limbo period in which our work schedules and environments are split between the home and a different office, with spread-out spaces and reduced staff numbers - but also, and especially, in anticipation of a future in which agile working will become a very real possibility for many people.
这些是总部位于布拉格公司Perspektiv的基础场所,该公司由一家主要的体育博彩操作员Fortuna Entertainment Group(FEG)委托,于2009年在捷克首都建立。,是将公司的各个部门整合到一个地点,并为其员工提供敏捷的工作布局。所讨论的建筑物的区域为7300平方米,分布在四个运营地板上,并设有额外的屋顶露台,所有屋顶露台都位于布拉格中心的庞大的丘吉尔II服务部门中。同时,注定新办公室的员工共有700个 - 他们之间有28个不同的国籍 - 并且都采用了敏捷的方法。最初瞥了一眼地板平面图,一个方面立即浮出水面:拒绝现已un的开放式布局。单个共享空间没有分区,可以让位于这里的新方法。毕竟 - 正如许多设计师已经说了很长时间的那样 - 开放计划的布局实际上并没有促进集中精力,协作或确实是沟通。现在,在城市郊区的匿名景观的一部分(通常是一部分)中,一堆桌子的图像(以及基础概念)现在是一个模型,托付了“之前”。Perspektiv取而代之的是将FEG的空间构成了许多具有部分透明墙壁的中小型工作单元,这些空间经常散布着,上面散布着无桌子的空间,并配有小桌子和非正式的座位,人们可以自由地坐着。但是,这些领域不像以前那样被理解为客人休息室或客户等待区,而是设计区域的工作区域空间之间的“接缝”in which people can continue to work, but in a different way.
这是从“家庭办公室”模型中提取的建议。中断工作日的自然流动 - 例如,通过更改位置或工作站,或者坐着不同的能力或更改空间和设置,具体取决于手头的任务,以此方式进行了不同 - 可能已经启发了在一天中,办公室也可以从视觉角度和姿势的变化中受益的想法。
此外,对非正式的开放式办公室的需求部分是由于引入热门措施,这涉及未分配的工作站,这些工作站的数量比使用它们的员工少。面对在偏远和基于办公室的位置之间进行新的工作的新实践,新地点越来​​越多地引入 - 与个人的个人桌子一起 - 设备齐全但无法保留的工作站,这些工作站可以在不同时间在不同时间使用,但是需要。在这里,Perspektiv已将所谓的“电话亭”插入其布局:小型,受保护的隔音房间,人们可以在其中快速播放式视频通话,配备了凳子和工作图。还有Scrum Rooms,专为互动,动态的小组讨论情况以及各种大小的会议室而设计,还设计用于活动和培训;但是,这些不再是固定的空间,而是封闭了外界的空间,而是很大程度上忽略了城市,最重要的是,还配备了允许远程参与者参加的技术。这些散布在“杂乱无章的房间”中:在更集中的情况下为快速会议,视频会议和虚拟集思广益设置的小型独立房间。
What has been lost in terms of openness and overall perception by abolishing the open-plan approach has, in a way, been reintroduced into FEG’s offices by creating a strong vertical axis of communication between the floors, namely in the form of a staircase with a white metal parapet that stands out from the parquet floor with its sinuous design. In contrast to the past, the landings on each floor are no longer treated as mere points of transition, “non-places” in the office, wholly devoid of importance and characterisation. For Ján Antal and Martin Stára of Perspektiv, they have instead become the hubs of the pathways through the building, offering an opportunity for a pause with their spaces for mediation and discussion, such as coffee break corners with comfortable seating and sofas, or high tables with stools. These informal spaces can be used to host clients, but also to organise impromptu meetings in fluid, ergonomic spaces equipped with all the necessary technology. The cafeterias have been reimagined as “smart canteens”, i.e. modular places where the tables can be reorganised into more of a workstation arrangement to ensure that social distancing is possible when the number of employees present requires it.
Meanwhile, some spaces that are additional in theory yet considered essential in this case include the garden terrace on the roof, which communicates visually with meeting and work rooms and is accessible for a moment of relaxation, and a series of pure entertainment and leisure spaces, such as the games room - complete with pool table and video game consoles - and the gym, so that employees can keep fit.
所有这些新环境 - 看起来不同,零散和间隔 - 被汇集在一起​​,周围是著名的插画家亚当·米哈洛夫(Adam Mihalov)的墙壁图形,他的清晰风格受到3D动画的启发,设法在视觉上传达了一种感觉。根据公司的使命,那些从事体育运动并负责任地下注的人经历了参与。他的大规模插图标记了所有共同的会议和讨论空间,这些插图已成为商业活动和非正式聚会的背景。The dynamism of Adam Mihalov’s style has created a certain continuity between the wide range of space, from the smallest - such as the photocopier room - to the largest, such as the canteen, giving all the employees the feeling that they are part of a team, bound together by a passion as well as a profession.
In short, the new office is held up as an inspirational model for small communities, as Michele de Lucchi says: a place defined by sharing and motivation. An environment which is no longer the mandatory office of yesteryear, but instead a place where workers want to go - a place where the physical closeness between people can still offer that informal network of thoughts, suggestions and methods that simply cannot be reproduced remotely.

Mara Corradi

雷竞技下载链接建筑师:Studio Perspektiv
Author: Ján Antal, Martin Stára
Co-author: Barbora Babocká, Eva Schilhart Faberová, Vojtěch Hasalík, Barbora Janíková
Project location: Italská 2584/69, Prague 2, Czech Republic
Completion year: 2020
Client: Fortuna Entertainment Group
Garden architect: Atelier Šteflovi
Illustrator: Adam Mihalov
Photographer: Studio Flusser,www.studioflusser.com


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