



最后一天在意大利馆2018 di威尼斯建筑双年展展览功能圆桌和图书发行总结出现的问题在意大利馆的“航行”的探索国家内政。#raybet官网




这个郊区的灰色混凝土下沉到绿色建于分期付款,混乱的城市是农村的气氛,取而代之的是一个更由字段,暴露出来的建筑工地和孤立。这个记忆的人住在他们的生活Corviale带他们,这就是名摄影记者亚历桑德罗·Guida旨在文档照片。“公里”应该是在罗马解决住房危机在1970年代;与此同时,它旨在汇集个人和社区在一个屋顶下,完成所需的所有服务。不幸的是,这个项目没有完成,离开的这部分城市孤独和孤立。物质成瘾的故事,毒品交易和蹲Corviale避免的地方。切断的罗马,这也最终导致了隔离内部Corviale和住在那里的人。拘谨的形象这块巨大的建筑,连同其模块化、理性,锁里面的居民,Guida的工作是显而易见的:没有一个,一个人出#raybet官网现在他的照片,然而,我们谈论的是一个复杂的,约6000人。他提出了最高水平的疏离感。然而,摄影师的作品还打算展示Corviale的另外一面。 At first glance, its present state of disrepair and decrepitude is clear, but at the same time the power of these architectural spaces reference the project's utopian nature, also expressed in the impressive magnitude of the complex and in how the spaces are organised. Still, the key to interpreting Alessandro Guida photography project is change. Documenting the Corviale's present state of decay can shine some light on what it was and what it could have been. This awareness, which is perhaps the luck of our times, always helps give value to the past. After living here as children, there are people who have returned to initiate redevelopment projects, to fend for the architecture, but also to help create new social ties or revive old ones. Many initiatives have been rolled out, some get the kids off the streets with a football school, others are art collectives that organise community events. Corviale is slowly rising from the ashes, and it is also because of work like Alessandro Guida's photography project, which brings us face to face with reality, that drives us to want a better future, for the architecture and for the people who live there. Barbara Esposito Photographer's website: http://www.aleguida.com/ Collective photography website Urban Reports: http://www.urbanreports.org/

