标记Arata Isozaki

塞缪尔·霍尔茨纳(Samuel Holzner)。城市生活米兰


塞缪尔·霍尔茨纳(Samuel Holzner)。城市生活米兰

这位年轻的蒂罗尔摄影师塞缪尔·霍尔茨纳(Samuel Holzner)的使命是使观察者理解建筑。#raybet官网这是他对米兰城市生活项目的有趣的视觉表示,显然展示了其城市主义和人类的层面。南蒂罗莱恩(South Tyrolean)的塞缪尔·霍尔茨纳(Samuel Holzner)出生于1989年,具有极大的热情 - 建筑#raybet官网摄影。自从他首次在蒂罗尔(Tyrol)的霍尔摄影学校(Hall)上摄影学校以来,他一直在热情地培养他,他以助理摄影师的身份在博尔扎诺(Bolzano)的奥斯卡·达里兹(Oscar da Riz)首先完成学业,然后到慕尼黑的弗洛里安·霍尔茨(Florian Holzherr)。自从他在2013年成为自由职业者以来,他的使命是尽可能有效地想象建筑物的性质,而他对这一挑战的反应是优雅的,无论天气如何。的确,当您在像South Tyrol这样令人印象深刻的自然背景下工作,具有出色的视觉影响时,“恶劣的天气”意味着他可以更多地专注于建筑本身,例如,当云层覆盖了白云岩和景观时,他没有反映#raybet官网玻璃。但是,它需要对景观(无论是自然还是人造)的深入了解,因为这是构成他作品中视觉叙事的基材的原因。在他的一个摄影项目中,他的敏感性尤其明显,这使他从南蒂罗尔(South Tyrol)的崎eake山到米兰(Milan),更具体地转移到raybet官网了城市生活中,这是重新开发Fiera di Milano展览中心历史悠久的城市中心的项目。欧洲最大的城市重建之一,总面积为366,000平方米,其中包括Zaha Hadid,Arata Isozaki和Daniel Libeskind的作品。 Although a number of images of this landmark project have been published in the different media, rarely do we get the feeling that the redevelopment area has actually been integrated into a real, lived-in urban context, or that it has a human dimension to it. So, Samuel Holzner set out to explore CityLife with some keywords in mind - sustainability, quality lifestyle and services. All to portray this project whose intention is to be a “green lung” in the city of Milan., thanks to its public park - the first new-build park in the city centre since the end of the 19th century - for now with 70,000+ square metres of the total 173,000 square-metre area completed and opened. This is how the South Tyrolean photographer tells us all about this articulated, balanced mix of public and private functions, which includes residences, offices, shops and services, green areas, public and leisure spaces. And he does all of this with architecture photographs that do much more than just providing documentation, usually limited to shapes and materials. Holzner's photos really demonstrate the aesthetic and emotional thrust behind each building. Therefore, in Milan like in the Dolomites, Holzner uses contextualisation of the single buildings even when it's just a rough idea to bring out the character of each architectural element. Whether he photographs the Allianz tower, designed by Arata Isozaki with Andrea Maffei, and currently Italy's tallest building (202 metres high with 50 storeys), or the residential complex designed by Zaha Hadid or the CityLife Business & Shopping District, one of the largest urban shopping districts in Europe that opened on 30 November 2017, Holzner conveys sensations that spring from his skilful composition of the images. In conclusion, like with the Dolomites, here Samuel Holzner doesn't stop at the beauty of nature, nor does he stop even before the visual impact of iconic architecture. Moreover, by including the human element both inside and outside the buildings, he emphasises their use and provides a narrative of the true essence of this new urban landscape in third-millennium Milan as a possible driver of social and cultural change based on architectural redevelopment. @chrisbuerklein Samuel Holzner Instagram http://www.samuel-holzner.com/

米兰的安联塔的立面 - 安德里亚·马菲(Andrea Maffei)


米兰的安联塔的立面 - 安德里亚·马菲(Andrea Maffei)

Andrea Maffei和Arata Isozaki的无尽塔楼用其钢和冷弹性玻璃模块挑战了米兰的天空

Architettura Invisibile展览 -  Carlo Bilotti博物馆


Architettura Invisibile展览 - Carlo Bilotti博物馆

为了纪念日本与意大利之间关系150周年的庆典,该展览将于1月19日开幕,题为“ Architettura Invisibile” - Carlo Bilotti博物馆的“无形建筑” - Aranciera di Villa Borghese在罗马,重点关注意大利和日本运动#raybet官网architecture in the ‘60s and ‘70s and contemporary debate.








自Arata Isozak#raybet官网i,Tadao Ando和Kazuyo Sejima时代以来,日本建筑发生了什么变化。从Shigeru Ban到Hosaka Takeshi,日本房屋的性质。在日本看到什么:发现最有趣的城市房屋的航行。




Triennale di Milano的Archi Depot Tokyo展览以及2015年博览会米兰的日本馆和国庆日,为查看最近在Floornature举行的日本建筑提供了一个绝佳的起点。#raybet官网




raybet官网最重要的日本建筑师的项目将通过其建筑模型在Triennale di Milano雷竞技下载链接 7月10日至19日在Triennale di Milano举行,由Fondazione Archi Depot策划的展览Archi Archi Depot。




鉴于该城市为2015年博览会做准备的转型,目前在Fondazione Riccardo Catella的展览探讨了米兰的天际线如何通过过去一个世纪建造的80个摩天大楼发展。

Ingarden&Ewy Architekci + Arup启动了IceKraków国会中心


Ingarden&Ewy Architekci + Arup启动了IceKraków国会中心

最近开放的IceKraków国会中心是由Ingarden&Ewy Architekci设计的,与Arata Isozaki&Associates合作,采用了技术装置和ARUP的声学设计。

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