
米兰的安联塔的立面 - 安德里亚·马菲(Andrea Maffei)

Andrea Maffei建雷竞技下载链接筑师,,,,Arata Isozaki,,,,




Andrea Maffei和Arata Isozaki的无尽塔楼用其钢和冷弹性玻璃模块挑战了米兰的天空

米兰的安联塔的立面 - 安德里亚·马菲(Andrea Maffei) Gio Ponti的Pirelli大楼不再是米兰唯一的标志性摩天大楼:它站在异萨基和Maffei的塔楼中,以同样沉默的方式与其无尽的形式进行对话。


The TGU triple glass has a low iron content to ensure that it is as clear and transparent as possible, and is glued to the structure with structural silicone, locking it in place with special anchors at the ends, while the last sector at the sides of the sails is left free, like a flag in empty space, giving the entire architectural structure a sensation of lightness, combined with an unprecedented sideless concept.

There are eight modules with a floor-to-floor distance of 3.90 m, each embracing six floors with a total height of 23.4 m, so that each module has a surface area of about 1,427 square metres and the total camber of the curve is only 80 centimetres; the overall effect is surprisingly dramatic, even though it is imperceptible on each level. Halfway up the building, however, at a height of about one hundred metres, a technical level interrupts the rhythm of the modules, solving a number of problems, from technological issues to plant engineering and safety concerns, partly becoming a point on the façade that adds a touch of style to the whole.

Fabrizio Orsini

project Torre Allianz
客户CityLife S.P.A. / Armando Borghi -Marco Beccati首席执行官
Arata Isozaki和Andrea Maffei项目
definitive advanced design team Pietro Bertozzi, Takeshi Miura, Alessandra De Stefani, Chiara Zandri, Davide Cazzaniga, Vincenzo Carapellese, Roberto Balduzzi, Takatoshi Oki, Stefano Bergagna, Paolo Evolvi, Elisabetta Borgiotti, Adolfo Berardozzi, Higaki Seisuke, Carlotta Maranesi, Francesca Chezzi,Giuliano Godoli, Giorgio Ramponi, Hidenari Arai, Takuichiro Yamamoto, Atsuko Suzuki, Sofia Bedynski, Antonietta Bavaro, Mauro Mazzali, Sofia Cattinari, Taro Hayashi, Haruna Watanabe, Madoka Tomita, Ayako Fujisawa
会议结构:Mutsuro Sasaki,Hiroki Kume,Takeshi Suzuki / Sasaki和Tokyo Partners;设计:Maurizio Teora,Luca Buzzoni,David Scott,Matteo Baffetti,Valeria Migliori,Francesco Petrella,Angelo Mussi / Arup,Milan和New York,板块结构:Holzner Bertagnolli,Cap Engineering
facades Mikkel Kragh, Mauricio Cardenas, Matteo Orlandi, Maria Meizoso, Carlos Prada / Arup Milan and Madrid
大厅装置:P.T。东京莫里村(Morimura),设计:Gianfranco Ariatta,Roberto Menghini,Riccardo Lucchese,Sylvia Zoppo Vigna,Andrea Ambrosi / Ariatta Ingegneria dei Sistemi,米兰
艺术方向Andrea Maffei / Andrea Maffei建筑师雷竞技下载链接
照片Alessandra Chemollo

