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Vitra的展览中的“景点 - 系列中的女设计师”和Nathalie du Pasquier

在德国莱茵河的校园维特拉(Vitra)的女性钥匙中,新作品的新作品。艺术家和设计师Nathalie du Pasquier的一项新作品已在由Zaha Hadid设计的消防局附近安装,为了庆祝其就职典礼五周年,Vitra Schaudepot是Herzog&de Meuron Studio设计的建筑物,由Herzog&de Meuron Studio主持。展览致力于妇女在家具设计世界中的作用。

告别意大利建筑师Umberto Riva


告别意大利建筑师Umberto Riva

告别了米兰建筑师和设计师Umberto Riva,对其内部和设计项目表示赞赏,在该项目中,寻找形式的搜索总是伴随着对生活的亲密反映。raybet官网这位建筑师还以他的博物馆设施项目而闻名,在该项目中,他一直成功地在作品,展raybet官网览空间和策展叙事之间进行了亲密的对话。由弗朗切斯卡·莫尔滕尼(Francesca Molteni)和克劳迪娅·阿德拉格纳(Claudia Adragna)策划的题为“ umberto riva”的电影提供了一幅完整的建筑师肖像,并由Muse Projects of Projects制作。raybet官网这部电影是在2019年在米兰的米兰的Fondazione Sozzani举行的“ Forme:Umberto Riva,ArchiteTto Designer”之际上映的。#raybet官网2014 - 2015年向艺术家展览。



Starting on June 19, in London, visitors can enjoy immersive experiences into the creations of Charlotte Perriand, through the reconstruction of some of the artist’s works, such as the famous apartment designed for the 1929 Salon d'Automne and a number of iconic furniture pieces like the "Chaise Longue Basculante" and the "Fauteuil Pivotant". The exhibition dedicated to the French architect and designer, considered one of the founders of contemporary design, is currently on at The Design Museum in London and will run until September 5 of this year.

CittàSospese -Siti Italiani Unesco Nei Giorni Del Lockdown展览


CittàSospese -Siti Italiani Unesco Nei Giorni Del Lockdown展览


Philippe Sarfati presents Territories, or: how will we live together with architecture


Philippe Sarfati presents Territories, or: how will we live together with architecture

法国建筑师兼摄影师菲利普·萨法蒂(Philippe Sarfati)在迪尼兹双年展的第17届国际建筑展览会上介绍了他的著作领土。#raybet官网在亚历山德罗·梅利斯(Alessandro Melis)策划的凉亭中的事件中,萨法蒂(Sarfati)展示了建筑的摄影表现如何影响其接收,从而影响其韧性。#raybet官网

Filippo Pagliani and Michele Rossi for The Architects Series - A documentary on: Park Associati


Filippo Pagliani and Michele Rossi for The Architects Series - A documentary on: Park Associati

在大流行“建筑师系列”施加的暂停之后,该计划杂志为Iris Ceramica Group创雷竞技下载链接建的Docufilm系列终于返回。On June 10, the Park Associati Italian studio, founded by architects Filippo Pagliani and Michele Rossi, will be the protagonist of the first appointment of 2021. The seminar will begin at 6:00 pm and will be streamed live from the Iris Ceramica Group’s showroom in Milan. Participants can follow the event on the Iris Ceramica Group’s digital platform.

Trouble in Paradise, the Polish Pavilion at the 17th Architecture Biennale


Trouble in Paradise, the Polish Pavilion at the 17th Architecture Biennale

The PROLOG +1 collective designed the Polish Pavilion for the 17th International Architecture Exhibition at Biennale di Venezia, addressing the question “How will we live together?” in terms of the Polish countryside, unfamiliar to most even though it covers 93% of the country.

Tchoban Voss Architekten:在柏林艾德斯建筑论坛上的重复使用展览#raybet官网


Tchoban Voss Architekten:在柏林艾德斯建筑论坛上的重复使用展览#raybet官网

From May 29, the Aedes Architecture Forum in Berlin will be hosting the “Re-Use” exhibition dedicated to the works of the Tchoban Voss Architekten studio. The studio has dedicated itself, for years, to projects that respect the history and architectural language of pre-existing buildings, recognising their important role and impact in the urban space. A modus operandi which the architects have successfully applied to projects completed in Germany and in other parts of the world and which was also the subject of the first exhibition titled "The Java Tower" organised at the same Aedes Architecture Forum back in 1997.

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