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“唯一真正的现实主义者是有远见的人” - 费德里科·费利尼(Federico Fellini)

<strong>舞台:访谈Ebi Maria Grassi,Unipol Group </strong>


舞台上:接受Unipol Group的Ebi Maria Grassi采访

“如今,Unipol Group管理着有价值的高质量特性的遗产:重新发布和恢复特定建筑和历史价值的建筑物,这是我们的雄心壮志,这是集体记忆的象征。”

舞台:面试Ennio Brion


舞台:面试Ennio Brion

"The term utopia is the most convenient way to liquidate what you do not have the will, capacity, or courage to do. A dream seems like a dream until it doesn’t start somewhere, only then becomes a purpose, that is something infinitely greater”- Adriano Olivetti

<strong>舞台:采访Chang Yong Ter </strong>


在舞台上:Chang Yong Ter的采访

即使他们的方法极为务实和理性,建筑师Chang Yong Ter的建议在建立人类与自然之间的合理共存的研究中,倾向于失去物质的定义,从而逐渐淡出田园诗般的情况。乌托邦愿景的力量在我们心中引起共鸣。

Giacomo Della Villa的访谈:Isokinetic的Iris Ceramica Group


Giacomo Della Villa的访谈:Isokinetic的Iris Ceramica Group

Floornature采访了Giacomo Della Villa,他为意大利和伦敦的许多城市设计了高级体育康复设施。Della Villa使用IRIS Ceramica Group的高科技陶瓷表面设计了等速机构中心的内部。

R2K,Olavi Koponen和VéroniqueKlimine的访谈


R2K,Olavi Koponen和VéroniqueKlimine的访谈

我们与R2K的Olavi Koponen和R2K的VéroniqueKlimine进行了讨论,以设计今天的持久建筑。#raybet官网从一开始就完全了解当地气候和与参与该项目的所有人共享信息的愿望的重要性是R2K的关键策略

Cersaie 2018新产品和污染的Iris Ceramica Group


Cersaie 2018新产品和污染的Iris Ceramica Group

在第36届Cersaie国际陶瓷瓷砖和浴室家具展览会上,Iris Ceramica Group首席执行官Federica Minozzi与媒体开会,讨论了该集团品牌和其他公司的其他新闻。raybet电子竞技竞猜

屡获殊荣的室内设计师安德里亚·法尔(Andrea Farr)的访谈


屡获殊荣的室内设计师安德里亚·法尔(Andrea Farr)的访谈

美国室内设计师Andrea Farr,总部位于密尔沃基的Farr Interiors的所有者赢得了著名的2018年封面设施和设计(CID)奖项的大奖,并获得了她的室内设计项目,该项目为由三个公寓创建的单个豪华单元,使用三个公寓,使用Iris Ceramica Group的材料。

Terrence Zhang  - 浮动的独家采访


Terrence Zhang - 浮动的独家采访

特伦斯·张(Terrence Zhang)是一位中国摄影师,他在2017年世界建筑节上赢得了年度最佳#raybet官网建筑摄影奖后,在去年制作了建筑摄影历史。他在天津大学校园的游泳池照片已完成了网络的回合。但是张对摄影的热情诞生于十年前,当时他仍然只是一名设计师。正如摄影师所理解的那样,将整个摄影师的整个制作都简化为一张照片是非常简单的举动。因此,一年后,Floornature的编辑人员决定超越新闻的短暂荣誉,那些由安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)预言的15分钟的著名成名,并向您展示世界上最好的建筑摄影师,以便您提供更多#raybet官网raybet电子竞技竞猜对Terrence Zhang作为摄影师的更深入了解,而不是在建筑节上提出的项目。#raybet官网爱上建筑照片很容易,正确的方式并不是那么普通。#raybet官网我们的摄影师很清楚这一点,并借此机会展示了他的技能,“并在2012年拍摄了两张照片。#raybet官网raybet官网Hassell和Marta Schwartz作者。我们只想问一些问题:他的背包里有什么?他最喜欢的镜头是什么? What is his approach to post-production? His answer was short but to the point: "I use a Sony a7r2, combined with the TS-E 17 and 24 and the GM24-70. There isn't much post-production, I try to limit myself to colour correction. The most important thing is what you choose when you take the photo and the light at the time you take it." In talking about the award he won last year Terrence Zhang reveals that he didn't just see it as a milestone and well-deserved recognition after ten years of photography: he seized the opportunity and began producing architecture videos as well as photographs. Terrence is frank, and he knows where he wants to go. It is clear from the words he uses: business, star, market, industry... But when we asked him to elaborate on the aesthetic and research component of his work, he certainly wasn't caught unawares. His idea of perfection in architecture photography stems from the cancellation of the photographer: "every project is unique and shouldn't be immortalised according to 'the photographer's style', but rather in its own original character", as designed by the architects. And the process of choice must "extract the nature and uniqueness of each building, to deliver them to the audience correctly". What moves him, Zhang reveals, is his "pure love for architecture, really being in the moment, the fact of being there and seeing, feeling the environments and buildings". The point, he continues, is that photographing architecture is something fun and meaningful, being behind the lens can express an atavistic, specific sentiment of that architecture and ensure that other people feel it in turn. Probably like most photographers, Zhang plans to visit as many countries as possible, to discover and learn about the most diverse types of architecture, to get a feel for them, to photograph them and to make sure that other people experience his same emotions when looking at them. All, of course, while continuing to build his business. Francesco Cibati https://www.terrencezhang.com

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