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告别设计佩克汉姆图书馆的建筑师威尔·阿尔索普(Will Alsop)


告别设计佩克汉姆图书馆的建筑师威尔·阿尔索普(Will Alsop)

设计佩克汉姆图书馆的建筑师威尔·阿尔索普(Will Alsop)是第一个赢得Riba Stirling奖励年度建筑奖的图书馆,该图书馆于2000年在短暂病后70岁去世。




5月9日至12日在华沙举行了艾米亚欧洲年度博物馆奖颁奖典礼,2018年的冠军是伦敦设计博物馆,该博物馆将保留奖杯一年:鸡蛋,由雕刻家亨利·摩尔(Henry Moore)保留。

汤姆·迪克森(Tom Dixon),伦敦的煤炭办公室


汤姆·迪克森(Tom Dixon),伦敦的煤炭办公室

汤姆·迪克森(Tom Dixon)工作室的新枢纽几周前开业。

Steven Holl + Jm雷竞技下载链接architects:Maggie的中心BARTS伦敦


Steven Holl + Jm雷竞技下载链接architects:Maggie的中心BARTS伦敦

在伦敦的玛姬(Maggie)中锋巴特斯(Barts),史蒂文·霍尔(Steven Holl)回到了他最近的许多项目的双层玻璃特征。raybet官网玛姬的中心是一个为癌症患者及其家人提供支持的地方

Throwback Olympics:Janie Airey的Londra 2012


Throwback Olympics:Janie Airey的Londra 2012

平昌冬季奥运会刚刚结束。我们很乐意将您介绍给您的英国摄影师Janie Airey,她在2012年拍摄了伦敦奥运会体育场。在她的作品中,您不会找到建筑摄影的基本原理,而是一个清醒的观点,可以庆祝空间和沉默,并保持沉默,并保持沉默,而是一种。风暴前的平静。平昌2018年冬季奥运会刚刚结束,留下了游戏,相关活动和基础设施的记忆。我们想借此机会描述一个真正值得一提的旧项目。我们谈论的是英国摄影师Janie Airey在2012年伦敦夏季奥运会上演出的作品。在运动员,培训师,尖叫的球迷和新闻工作人员进入伦敦体育场之前,奥林匹克送货机构由艾瑞(Airey)委托一系列照片,描绘了为奥运会创造的建筑。#raybet官网用非常摄影师的话说:“您很少有机会欣赏如此惊人的建筑形式的沉默和规模”,尤其是因为当它们开放时,它们显然很拥挤。这样,珍妮·艾瑞(Janie Airey)有幸在就职典礼前进入奥林匹克空间,而气氛仍然很平静,一切都是全新的。“通过这些照片,我想庆祝这些建筑的界限和形式的美丽,并捕捉到令人难以置信的平静和寂静感,在英国那个夏天经历的激动爆炸之前,您感到四处走动。” If this was Airey’s objective, there is no doubt that she achieved it. Focussing on details, rather than photographing the buildings in their entirety, turned out to be a winning choice. Indeed, the elegant beauty of the structures and their clean lines were transformed into purity and incisive simplicity, creating photographs that could do justice to the grandeur of the designs by Zaha Hadid, Hopkins Architects and Populous with few but well-defined lines. Janie Airey’s approach to architecture photography is not traditional: she does not use tilt-shift lenses to manage the vertical lines, nor does she adjust them during the post-processing phase; also, she rarely uses tripods, as she finds them too restrictive. The Olympic buildings are vast and offer an endless series of possibilities. In two days of shootings, Airey brought back home a thousand photographs, but she would have taken even more. What worried Janie the most while carrying out the job was the excess of abstractionism, that is not always welcomed by architecture photographs. In this kind of photography, one usually tends to try and give an idea of scales and proportions. Entering too much into the details could have resulted into a boring, lifeless and excessively abstract job. In Airey’s words: “The end result proved me wrong thankfully. The structures and compositions spoke for themselves”. For sure, we can only agree. By looking at a framed springboard or at the chair of a judge, we can feel the presence of the entire Aquatic Centre. An aerial view of a door is enough to lead us to imagine the entire hockey stadium. The net can easily describe the entire tennis court. Architect Mies van der Rohe once said that “God is in details”: he was probably right, and Janie Airey can surely confirm that. Francesco Cibati Website: www.aireyspaces.com Shop: www.aireyspaces.com/shop

Binom Architects的伦敦塞万提斯研究所的新设计雷竞技下载链接


Binom Architects的伦敦塞万提斯研究所的新设计雷竞技下载链接

Binom Architects的设计师重新设计了雷竞技下载链接伦敦的新学院塞万提斯研究所,该建筑物的历史可追溯到1950年代。

Frida Escobedo的蛇形凉亭2018


Frida Escobedo的蛇形凉亭2018

墨西哥建筑师弗里达·埃斯科贝多(Frida Escobedo)是2018年蛇形凉亭的钥匙。

戴维·阿恰耶(David Adjaye)的华盛顿博物馆(Washington Museum)被评为2017年度最佳设计


戴维·阿恰耶(David Adjaye)的华盛顿博物馆(Washington Museum)被评为2017年度最佳设计

伦敦设计博物馆宣布了2017年Beazley Design奖的获胜者,命名了由史密森尼国家国家博物馆在华盛顿特区的非裔美国人历史和文化博物馆,由由David Adjaye领导的一组建筑师设计为2017年最佳设计。雷竞技下载链接

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