



Arsenale di Venezia的智利馆,标题为“证明空间”,展示了525幅画,该绘画是根据Santiago de Chile的JoséMaríaCaro社区居民的证词创建的,这些绘画是在过去和现在的经验上,以回答“过去和现在的经验”。我们会一起生活吗?”由迪尼兹双年展的第17届国际建筑展览会。#raybet官网

Hariri Pontarini建雷竞技下载链接筑师的2019年RAIC国际奖得主


Hariri Pontarini建雷竞技下载链接筑师的2019年RAIC国际奖得主

加拿大皇家建筑学院(RAIC)宣布了位于圣地亚哥的南美巴哈伊神庙,智利是2019年RAIC国际奖的获奖者。建筑师是雷竞技下载链接加拿大多伦多的Hariri Pontarini建筑师。




虽然我们距离第16届国际建筑展览会结束了几天,但La Biennale di Venezia的主题Freespace由爱尔兰策展人Yvonne F#raybet官网arrell和Shelley McNamara(Grafton Architects)提出,但这里是体育场的外观。雷竞技下载链接

阿德里亚诺·帕切利(Adriano Pacelli)。智利穿过镜头


阿德里亚诺·帕切利(Adriano Pacelli)。智利穿过镜头

巴西人的阿德里亚诺·帕卡利(Adriano Pacelli)围绕着他作为建筑专业的学生的经验,其中包括一名建筑摄影师。#raybet官网他与我们分享了他在智利圣地亚哥(Santiago de Chile)拍摄的镜头,在那里他记载了城市景观的非凡流程。我们常常忘记,作为一门学科,建筑不仅仅是建筑物的建设,还扩展到城市规划。#raybet官网这个主题是由年轻的巴西摄影师Adriano Pacelli致辞。基于开设他的网站“摄影是建筑”时出现的报价,由Marcel Gautherot(1910-1996)创造,这是一位法国摄影师,尤其是在巴西的职业生涯#raybet官网,尤其是在巴西利亚的建设期间,阿德里亚诺·帕卡利(Adriano Pacelli)认为,完全同一件事:“我确实相信建筑和摄影是平等的#raybet官网,但名称不同。好的项目使raybet官网人们的生活变得更好。好摄影使人们的生活更快乐。我拍照以完成此周期。每次镜头都是一个单数,就像一个项目一样。我喜欢两者。 That's why I am graduating in architecture and urbanism school in Campinas - São Paulo, where I discovered I could actually work in this special process of a project, not only appreciate it.”. Adriano's passion for architecture and images started when he was a child. His mother used to buy architecture magazines and he would spend hours poring through them, closely observing the pictures, the houses, the interior and exterior design of Brazil. That's where he developed his eye. The result is a very personal narrative of architecture with pictures that inspire contemplation, stimulating our imagination and going beyond the simple significant surface. This characteristic also shines through in the “Chile through the lens” series that Adriano Pacelli has shared with us. He conducted this photographic research in 2017 during a trip he took to Santiago de Chile to personally explore some of the aspects of Chilean architecture. In addition to being the Chilean capital, with a population of 5 million in the wider metropolitan area, Santiago de Chile is also the country's largest city, and it sits in a wide valley between the snow-capped Andes and the Chilean Coastal Range, at an elevation above sea level of 500 metres. The vibrant historical and artistic heritage of its colonial past mingles with its new buildings, and it is considered one of the Latin American metropolises with the highest quality of life. And this sensation of liveability is exactly what Adriano Pacelli discovered when he was there. Chileans are not only great architects, they are also good urban planners, because, as Adriano tells us, Santiago is a city that works, and its urban system works too. On that basis, the photographer spent his time in the Chilean capital capturing details and moments that would showcase this reality. He gave himself up to his camera and his instinct, in order to compose this visual promenade that includes images where the old and the modern city come face to face, where citizens comfortably move around their habitat and we can accompany them as they go about their business. Adriano Pacelli's reportage differs from street or urban photography not only in his eye for architecture but also in his focus on the city system, the same one that he explores on foot to figure out what it is really like to live there. Because the complete narrative of a city is one of the great challenges of architecture photography. What really counts is the dimension of everyday human life in the urban environment, almost in the style of Vivian Meier, beyond the architectural icons and aerial perspectives that the mainstream visual narrative so often flaunts. @chrisbuerklein Adriano Pacelli www.adrianopacelli.com

Casa Foa智利的无尽空间


Casa Foa智利的无尽空间

总部位于智利的建筑公司5#raybet官网7Studio在“ Casa Foa”建筑和室内设计贸易展览会的一部分中制定了办公环境。




第15届国际建筑展览会 - 洛杉矶双年展委内兹#raybet官网对主题报道有很多回应。

Undurraga Deves Arquitectos和圣地亚哥的圣安娜办公室


Undurraga Deves Arquitectos和圣地亚哥的圣安娜办公室

Undurraga Deves Arquitectos是智利馆的设计师2015年世博会,最近在智利圣地亚哥市中心完成了圣安娜办公大楼。整个圣安娜建筑项目都是基于及其背景的维度和关系联系,即圣安娜教堂的城市高速公路。

UC创新中心由Elemental Cile


UC创新中心由Elemental Cile

智利建筑“ Do Tank” Elemental设计了UC创新中心 - 智利圣地亚哥的Anacleto Angelini。





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