
Wood Works 2022:我们可以从树上学到什么?


Wood Works 2022:我们可以从树上学到什么?

“我的后院里有一片森林,但我的房子是用远处种植的树木建造的”。这是爱沙尼亚策展人B210建筑师和爱尔兰策展人Alder Architects选择的标题,题为“木工作品”,向爱雷竞技下载链接沙尼亚建筑师协会,建筑师协会(Estral Association of Architecture)致敬,向建筑学的“秘密生活”致敬。#raybet官网爱沙尼亚建筑和爱尔兰建筑基金会。#raybet官网该展览目前在纳瓦恩(爱尔兰)的冬至艺术中心举行,将于9月在塔林建筑双年展举行。#raybet官网

塔林建筑双年展(#raybet官网TAB 2022) - 策展决赛选手


塔林建筑双年展(#raybet官网TAB 2022) - 策展决赛选手

The Estonian Centre for Architecture has announced the list of the five finalist curatorial teams of the 6th edition of the Tallinn International Architecture Biennial - TAB 2022. Competitors had been asked to propose an innovative theme linked to Estonia’s context and relevant to the world of contemporary architecture. Among the finalists, we were favourably impressed by the theme presented by the “Emotionalism” team, rooted in the idea that today an increasingly driven digitisation is devaluing “humanity”. Their Biennale will therefore be focused on uncovering new ideas and proposals, through design, that reaffirm the centrality of what makes us human.




While we’re waiting to find out what’s happening to the 17th Architecture Biennale in Venice, we can take a look at the curatorial competition for another internationally-renowned architecture event - the Tallinn Architecture Biennale (TAB2021) - that will run from September to November 2021 in the Estonian capital.

