
拉菲克·阿扎姆(Rafiq Azam):达卡市市长穆罕默德·哈尼夫·贾米·清真寺(Mohammad Hanif Jame)


拉菲克·阿扎姆(Rafiq Azam):达卡市市长穆罕默德·哈尼夫·贾米·清真寺(Mohammad Hanif Jame)

他的第一个清真寺项目,达卡市市长穆罕默德·汉尼夫·贾米·清真寺(Mohammad Hanif Jame Mosque)为拉菲克·阿扎姆(Rafiq Azam)提供了创造礼拜场所的机会,这也是公民社会的中心。拉菲克·阿扎姆(Rafiq Azam)作品的当代成语被嫁接到了孟加拉的建筑传统上。




英国建筑摄影师威#raybet官网尔·斯科特(Will Scott)为我们提供了对从维多利亚时代到现代主义的英国沿海城镇结构的亲密而怀旧的看法,并通过海滨庇护所系列丛书。苏格兰出生的建筑摄影师威尔·#raybet官网斯科特(Will Scott)通过家庭职业来到了他的贸易。他对叔叔,著名摄影师的学徒学习了这项手工艺,然后决定向吸引他最吸引他的行业,以各种不同形式的建筑环境。2016年,他沿着记忆巷(Scott)在海边长大,并珍视了海岸上暑假的回忆,前往英国的沿海城镇。因此,他开始对海滨庇护所产生兴趣,这是巴士庇护所和火车站候诊室之间的十字架。它们建于维多利亚时代的海滩或码头旁边,一直到1930年代,以保护度假者和海滩观众,而不是从阳光下而不是风雨和雨水。在战后时期,沿着英格兰南部海岸的长廊迅速发展。#raybet官网可以肯定的是,现代主义风格占主导地位,充满鲜艳的色彩和精美的细节,吸引游客。威尔·斯科特(Will Scott)在访问时意识到,这些年来在这些小型建筑宝石上留下了自己的印记。咸海滨空气加上许多地方议会的忽视,这意味着这些结构显示了它们的年龄。 The shelters were left to their own devices also as a result of the slow decline in the fortunes of the tourist resorts. Will Scott's photos of these Seaside Shelters, therefore, take on a double meaning. On the one hand, they document the happy memories of a carefree childhood, remaining in the almost mystical sphere of the past, and on the other, they are valuable testimonies to a rather bleak outlook for the fate of these coastal towns. From Hastings to Brighton, through to Worthing and Exmouth on the English Channel, Scott even gets to Weston-Super-Mare. A trip down memory lane where he immortalises these open, friendly constructions perched between the sea and the town, turning their backs to the water to embrace the urban fabric, and spicing it up with their holiday heart. Will Scott's shots are a visual narrative lying somewhere between nostalgia and the desire for a possible revival of these seaside holiday resorts, between a real decline that you can see and feel and the attempts to rise again. All with the clear formal polish and chromatic balance that runs through all the work of this British photographer. This series has been picked up by a publisher (Heni publishing) and there will be a book and exhibition on the work next year. @chrisbuerklein Will Scott http://www.willscottphotography.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/willscottphoto/ p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Times New Roman'; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Times New Roman'; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000; min-height: 15.0px} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} span.s2 {text-decoration: underline ; font-kerning: none}

