艾莉森·布鲁克斯(Alison Brooks) - 艾莉森·雷竞技下载链接布鲁克斯(Alison Brooks)建筑师

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  2. 艾莉森·布鲁克斯(Alison Brooks) - 艾莉森·雷竞技下载链接布鲁克斯(Alison Brooks)建筑师

她自己的伦敦实践的创始人艾莉森·布鲁克斯(Alison Brooks)被认为是她这一代的主要建筑师之一,这是英国唯一获得Riba三项奖项的建筑雷竞技下载链接师之一。她在加拿大出生和长大,在滑铁卢大学学习建筑,毕业后,她决定搬到英国,一开始,她与设#raybet官网计师罗恩·阿拉德(​​Ron Arad)合作,成为该公司的合伙人。在这一集中,她将分享这一最初旅程的时刻,从与Arad的合作到1996年,当时她建立了自己的练习。受她透明的艺术经验的影响,但作为角色的一部分,她仍然非常务实且在空间上关注她,她构思了VXO私人房屋,随后是一系列其他居住的住所,折叠式房子,包装屋,网状房屋,网眼屋,最大最近的风屋,每个房屋的特征都具有很强的身份和个性。Her biggest commitment as an architect is, as she likes to say, to ‘heal’ precarious conditions, outdated uses, spaces and meanings of public housing and urban areas, and this passionate concern has led her to realize generous residential developments, as the Ely Court, Accordia and Newhall Be, aiming to promote inclusiveness and social diversity. For this year’s Venice Biennale, she exhibited a beautiful, extremely scenographic stage, ‘Home Ground’, part of a long-term investigated and still open research about how housing defines the way we live together in cities, inviting the audience to share new conversations. Some of these themes and ambitions take on consistency and breathe in other projects as the Cohen Quad in Oxford for Exeter College, in the heart of the university neighborhood, and in several of her new, still on-going proposals as the Maggie Center, Cancer Caring Centre at Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton. ‘理想然后想法,2017年出版的专着的标题是她的建筑“精神”的特征,综合了她的作品的愿望。真实性,慷慨,公民和美丽是她手势基础的四个理想,这是一种特殊性的建筑,并由社会,政治,文化和艺术理想所培养,并不否认主观性。#raybet官网

