
在第17届国际建筑展览会上的冲突中,葡萄牙 - 拉维尼兹双年展#raybet官网


葡萄牙参加了第17届国际建筑展览-La Biennale di Venezia与In Cruss一起参加#raybet官网,这是由Depa Architects Collective在Giustinian Palazzo Giustinian Lolin策划的一个项目,调查了质疑住宅问题的过程,其雷竞技下载链接中冲突扮演着重要的角色。

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  3. 在第17届国际建筑展览会上的冲突中,葡萄牙 - 拉维尼兹双年展#raybet官网

在第17届国际建筑展览会上的冲突中,葡萄牙 - 拉维尼兹双年展#raybet官网 In preparation for the opening of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, let’s take a look at Portugal’s contribution, the在冲突中project curated by the depA architects collective. The exhibition, commissioned by the General Direction for the Arts as the result of a public competition promoted by the Portuguese Ministry of Culture with the support of various foundations and institutional partners, will be held inPalazzo Giustinian Lolin, home of Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi.
In conflictwould seem to be a very direct response to the question “How will we live together?” posed by Hashim Sarkis, the curator of Biennale
Architettura 2021.因为我们都知道,住宅中涉及的问题绝不是田园式的乌托邦,而是具有许多冲突的特征。这些过程源于反对派在异议中的行动,这是一种以多元民主精神隐含的条件。
According to the curators of depA architects collective,Carlos Azevedo, João Crisóstomo and Luís Sobral:“ In Conflict seeks to consider the role of architecture as an artistic, public, political, and ethically-bound discipline. Faced with the impossibility of solving all contingencies, it is urgent to consider how to create places where everyone has a seat at the table, to imagine how we will all project a common future”.
Architecture is viewed as a变革性的政治进程:在冲突中opens with the Carnation Revolution that brought democracy to Portugal in 1974 and continues to the present day, chronicling the development of seven Portuguese housing processes which generated wide controversy and dissension.在冲突中presents emblematic cases which, amplified by their great resonance in the media, act as a guide throughout the entire exhibition route, incorporating the clashes that linger in the collective memory into the story. These processes represent important occasions for understanding the physical and social dimensions of the discipline of architecture. In parallel to theseven casesexamined (the Bairro do Aleixo towers, in Porto, the Cinco Dedos housing estate in the Lisbon neighbourhood of Chelas, the SAAL Algarve project in Meia Praia, the proposed conversion of the Margueira shipyard in Almada, the construction plan of Aldeia da Luz, the rehabilitation of the Ilha da Bela Vista in Porto, and a group of houses rebuilt after they were destroyed by wildfires in 2017), the exhibition presents twenty-one other architectural processes similar to the first seven cases in terms of the issues involved and the scale and method of action. These build a broad, cross-cutting portrait of the first 45 years of democracy in Portugal, viewed through its reflections in Portuguese architecture.
Theexhibition designsupports this reading by using mirrors to create a heterotopic space between the apparent inevitability of reality and the search for utopia. The scenography does not attempt to neutralise the existing atmosphere of the rooms in the Palazzo, but establishesa kaleidoscopic relationshipwhich breaks apart the spatial configuration and subverts our reading of the rooms, with their original paintings, fabrics, ornamentation, wallpaper and mirrors, to create a space where it does not exist.

Christiane Bürklein

Portuguese Pavilion at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia - In Conflict
22 May – 21 November 2021
Palazzo Giustinian Lolin
S. Marco 2893, Venice
策展人:DEPA Archit雷竞技下载链接ects -Carlos Azevedo,JoãoCrisóstomo,LuísSobral
Additional curator: Miguel Santos
Organisation: Portuguese Ministry of Culture


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