
Luce系列上的Guillermo Mariotto:“我用陶瓷用光充满了我的房子”


Guillermo Mariotto,,,,fuorisalone,,,,安东尼拉·加利,,,,设计,,,,虹膜陶瓷集团,,,,

Mariotto是一位多元化的创意,设计师和设计师,他对陶瓷设计的优雅感到偏爱:Luce是他为Iris Ceramica Group的大型瓷器平板的收藏,散发着丝绸的所有辛努斯和运动。在公司的陈列室中,为米兰的Fuorisalone,一部短片和摄影展示了背后的故事。

Luce系列上的Guillermo Mariotto:“我用陶瓷用光充满了我的房子”

唯一的偶然会议;扎实的和谐感;一系列创造性的研究,在设计和高级时尚之间打开了门 - 或更确切地说是墙壁的墙壁:这是Luce的故事,这是著名的吉列尔莫·马里托(Guillermo Mariotto)著名大师吉列尔莫·马里托(Guillermo Mariotto)的大型瓷器板的收藏。虹膜陶瓷集团。The new range is set to be showcased at the ‘Corpi di Luce’ (Bodies of Light) exhibition, which will open its doors on 6 June - the first day of FuoriSalone - at the company’s showroom at Via Santa Margherita 4, Milan (open until the end of September). Mariotto, who was born in Caracas to an Italian father and a Venezuelan mother, has made a name for himself the world around as an haute couture stylist, but his background actually includes a design-focused education, with a degree from the California College of Arts and Crafts and his beginnings in theatrical set design. A multifaceted and intriguing character, he is forthcoming about what set this project in motion: “I’ve always loved ceramics and have worked with clay since I was a child. It was my true passion. Maria Carafoli, a mutual friend, introduced me to Federica Minozzi (ed.: CEO of the company) one lovely evening in Modena; what immediately arose out of this meeting was a very strong connection and the idea of collaborating on a collection. When I later visited the company’s production facility, showroom and museum, I realised that porcelain had already been used to explore all the possible avenues in terms of finishes and interpretations. So I thought I would go a little further, break down those walls, think outside the box and look for ideas in my own world. And that was exactly where I found what I was looking for: drapery, a theme that is very close to my heart. And using the most precious, elegant fabric in the world: duchess silk”.

窗帘不仅仅是一种美学元素:它是一种解决方案,它可以遵循其自然运动,使身体具有自由。像丝绸缎子这样珍贵的材料只能扩大这种效果,抓住光线并将其恢复为嬉戏的转瞬即逝,转移的反射。Mariotto创建了Luce Collection的基于这些元素:“我从墙壁上删除了对硬度的感知:它不再是坚固的壁,而是散发出透明度的表面,使材料从其刚性的粘结中释放出来。Iris Ceramica被证明是一个非常有价值的合作伙伴,对我的研究的特殊性质有敏感的眼光。我与负责发展卢斯的人建立了尊重,钦佩和理解的关系。”

对于Mariotto而言,什么都没发生:“ Luce是一个邀请您超越日常活动的项目。是的,这是一条创造性的途径,但也是我对生活哲学的一部分。我坚信,任何给定时间发生的一切都是我们真正需要的,别无其他。当下是我们最珍贵的宝藏 - 偶然没有发生。这就是为什么我在我所做的一切中都能找到如此享受的原因。For the stylist, every idea, every situation can be transformed into a challenge, like the ‘Favole di Moda’ (Fashion Fairytales) project, curated by Stefano Dominella, which Mariotto is working on for 15 June: an experimental upcycling collection inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytales set to be presented at the Villa Torlonia theatre in Rome, the city where the stylist is based both personally and professionally. “I work with environmentally-sustainable materials designed to salvage waste,” he explains. “By upcycling them, I get to improve on the original material. In this case, the material comes from end-of-life tyres (ELTs), with their rubber pulverised and processed by Ecopneus before being transformed into a fabric, which lends itself wonderfully to creating appliqués or being coloured”.

Inspiration and research go hand in hand in the stories told by this creative sensation, who is known to the general public for his television appearances: “This popularity has brought me an unexpected and truly magnificent gift, namely that I’m well loved by young people who, after sixteen years on their screens, almost consider me part of the family. It really is a beautiful relationship - one of trust and familiarity - which I had the opportunity to further strengthen in the master classes I hold at the Accademia degli Artisti in Rome, where I teach the importance of living in the present”.



01 Guillermo Mariotto在时装秀的结尾,由Guillermo Mariotto提供
02“ Corpi di Luce”展览,Iris Ceramica Group。
03和07-10:Luce Collection撰写的Guillermo Mariotto,Iris Ceramica。
04 Iris Ceramica Group总部的Guillermo Mariotto介绍了Luce Collection,由Guillermo Mariotto提供。
05“美丽的垃圾”连衣裙,可回收材料,Antonio Barrella摄影,由Guillermo Mariotto提供
06由针织塑料袋制成的连衣裙使用升级工艺制成,由Antonio Barrella拍摄

