



也许从来没有像在这个时期那样,这座城市一直是反思和重新评估的一致性的中心,部分是由于需要寻找气候变化和迁徙流动面临的适应性策略而引起的,部分是由于大流行使确定性动摇了,,,,questioning life and work’s usual practices.

也许从来没有像在这个时期那样,这座城市一直是反思和重新评估的一致性的中心,部分是由于需要寻找气候变化和迁徙流动面临的适应性策略而引起的,部分是由于大流行使确定性动摇了,,,,questioning life and work’s usual practices. The efficient and rational city, determined by the rigid principles of modernism, has revealed many dysfunctions and finding new and more flexible ways is probably one of the greatest urgencies required by the research projected towards a sustainability, intended as capability to adapt and react with less vulnerability to unexpected situations. The long isolation, that we have been forced to confront, has highlighted deficiencies and, above all, shown how much the availability of a collective and inclusive dimension was missed, necessities proven by the many 'unscheduled' areas become settings for unforeseen activities by users. There are many spaces that have seen a spontaneous appropriation, helping within limitations of the restrictions to release pressure or to organize small extemporaneous convivial events.

在越来越致密的当代城市中,知道如何保证如何保证新形式的类型学总结和提出多种用途的建筑具有不可否认的优势,#raybet官网这不仅是为了减轻城市结构的过度紧凑性,还可以通过鼓励更大的孔隙和渗透性来倾向社区。除了帮助遏制渐进和过度扩张并限制该名人“土壤消耗”at the expense, for example, of small or large green lungs, so vital for the residents’ daily life, many of these new hybrid spaces have the potential to transform into social condensers, reserving public areas and fulfilling a number of requests, from housing and work to recreational and cultural, without taking into account the unplanned, unexpected demands of the city. The hybrid scheme, with its blend of different uses, tends to enhance and revitalize its surrounding context.

有一群非常年轻的建筑师,特别是对为人们创雷竞技下载链接造空间的感兴趣,并且在城市角落之间的搜索涉及涉及的烟道中同样细心和热情,他们喜欢通过赋予他们从未拥有过的活力来接近。凯瑟琳·吉梅尔(Kathrin Gimmel)是这个丹麦工作室Jaja Architects的三个合作伙伴之一,我最近很高兴在我的一个播客中主持雷竞技下载链接。尽管他们的年龄,但他们得到了认可和赞赏,这种臭名昭著源于他们的第一部作品之一,即完美的变革主义的运作,预算有限,他们能够以创造力和娱乐性表达。他们的好奇心是他们接近自己的项目,并探索远离预先建立的,过时的计划和范式的建筑的潜力,能够用他们的新鲜陈述使我们惊讶。#raybet官网raybet官网

The building gradually lights up with life and a pattern formed by the arrangement of alternated planted boxes discreetly interrupts the entire facade, punctuating it rhythmically. Climbing green plants grow along the net, creating a strong and vibrant color contrast, and providing an unexpected organicity. Long diagonal stairways, zigzagging sculptural signs, ascend from street level, adhering to the walls of two opposite sides, offering their handrail as a guide to a surprising discovery: the extensive roof surface accessible and usable as a recreational space. The edge of that handrail that accompanies visitors seems to extend and, as a sort of fil rouge, unravel, swirling and rolling up to create concentric circles and pyramids, identifying points of different experiences, play, fun or exercise experiences or simply moments for a break, to rest while admiring the sea. It is with a crescendo of touches, all strategically amalgamated that the whole intervention enhances the full formal and social potential of an anonymous, dull structure, transformed into something exciting. This stimulating graft, capable of communicating to everyone its distinctive playful character, transmitting an almost childlike sense of lightness, combined with practical parking lots, reiterates how a hybrid building can be a winning architectural solution. The exemplary intervention will be a social meeting place and an active part of its local environment, attracting a very diverse community, residents and visitors, adults and children and helping to nurture new ways of living together.
我个人热爱他们的工作的另一种独特性是能够灌输好奇心,刺激奇迹和强烈发现发现的能力,使公共空间变得理想,并鼓励用户对它的真实占用。可以这么说,他们的干预措施要保持未完成,对将编织未来用户的新故事开放,帮助这类平台发展,发展甚至改变。一种简单而粗糙的工业结构,典型的60年代仍在生产中,激发了游戏Streetmekka Aalborg,邀请扩展或消除大型建筑物和街道之间的边界。这是当地的街头艺术和壁画的当地城市文化,前者的外墙是活着的画布,即简易舞蹈,多次自发活动和不可预测的活动,目前使旧的Eternit实验室动画,而无需放弃其工业魅力,放弃了过去的内向性格,以将其本质委托给社区。空内部的宽敞尺寸看起来像一个巨大的室内空间:每个房间都有不可抗拒的动态气氛。运动和休闲家具都以精美的口味设计,使用即兴且在很大程度上可回收的材料,已经巧妙地缩小到了必不可少的地方,也许出于这个原因,它保持了一种非正式感,使每个人都在熟悉的环境中觉得自己都可以找到任何人。培育和成长的角落,为发展叙述增加了自己的贡献。

我们的作品打算”not justto take space, but to give space too“有了这些词,其中一位作者解释了如何在现实与将要尽可能多的关系之间编织他们努力的最终目标。他们在所有人都可以识别的理想之处,旨在包容和包容和多样性是由于集体的积极参与而滋养。故事从建筑物开始,重新充满了新的贡献,而不会强加任何计划:每次定义自己的剧本,演员在剧院中的演员都在欢迎他们并祝福他们的剧院中给他们舞台上的准则。



Jaja 雷竞技下载链接Architects:https://jaja.archi/
Park’n’戏,Nordhavn,哥本哈根,丹麦,Jaja建筑师,照片Rasmus Hj雷竞技下载链接ortshoj/由Jaja Architects提供
GAME Streetmekka Aalborg, JAJA ArchitectsPhoto Rasmus Hjortshoj/Courtesy of JAJA Architects

