

Workac,弗里茨·海格(Fritz Haeg),




“当古典世界终于疲惫不堪时,当所有工匠和农民都消失了时,当不再有萤火虫,蜜蜂和蝴蝶时,母鸡工业已经建立了不可阻挡的生产周期,然后历史将为我们结束。”-Pier Paolo Pasolini

<strong>食用花园< /strong> <br />“title=EDIBLE GARDENS 
Who sows hands down” is a true proverb even if today unfortunately the agricultural world, made up of small local producers, seems at risk of extinction. As Pasolini emphasized with the metaphor of the disappearance of the fireflies, the agricultural landscape along with one of the oldest works, embracing nature and survival of mankind, are in serious danger. It has recently been released a beautiful short film by Alice Rohrwacher, a director very attentive to the crisis and the profound transformation afflicting the rural reality. Speaking as the daughter of a beekeeper, she tells us how we are gradually losing these precious insects, vital in the ecosystem’s regulation, due to a habitat more and more difficult to live by the intensive monocultures that large companies have chosen and by their widespread and unstoppable use of synthetic fungicides, with high levels of toxicity. And she continues, telling us how small farmers are struggling to stem this swollen river of speculations and pesticides. Rohrwacher, in collaboration with JR, an artist whom I love very much, weaves a tribute, an accompanying sermon to a funeral ritual in honor of all those who, without a name, have kept save the seeds and maintained the experience of a knowledge for the next generation. The funeral ceremony, however, seems to let us intend the possibility of a rebirth, from the perspective of the acceptance of a cyclical rhythm that orders everything. This is what the words of an old farmer at the end of the service foretell us: “你埋葬了我们,但你不知道我们是种子”。


并不是第一次回到农业世界,部分原因是需要有需要的局势,也希望对家庭和社区有所帮助。第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战期间,粮食生产急剧下降,农业劳动被招募到兵役中,许多农场因冲突而遭受了破坏。这种情况引起了这种情况,尤其是在美国,英国和德国,所谓的“胜利花园”movement, improvised gardens born in private residences and public parks, encouraged by the government to integrate the scarce food resources but also to help the people who, taking care of them, could feel morally gratified. A vast campaign from postage stamps to pamphlets, to advertising images of large colored posters, with slogans such as: "成长,你可以做到“,”每个房子的菜园“,”挖掘胜利”,支持这一团结的努力,这一贡献将实际实用性与合作实现重要,崇高理想的意识相结合。


后院的空间被用来种植蔬菜,以保留母鸡以收集鸡蛋供个人使用和战争努力,妇女组织将专业的园丁带入学校,让儿童及其家人参与其中。除了到处都可以发现的未耕种土地外,运动场和高尔夫球场还需要进行耕种,装饰花园和每个小私人空间来收集所有东西,但最重要的是,可以取代药草毒品稀缺。In the United States about a third of the vegetables production came from the Victory Gardens and there are very significant examples of the political propaganda in support of this patriotic duty, from Woodrow Wilson, who had let the sheep graze on the White House’s lawn avoiding the use of lawn-mowers to Eleanor Roosevelt who, again in the presidential residence, had cultivated a large plot. Even in France and in the Soviet Union the practice of urban agriculture was supported by ordinances and incentives from the state. In Italy, during fascism, the so-called war gardens were in the heart of big cities, in private homes or in public spaces, and invited to the cultivation of wheat, vegetables and fruit. Threshing took place in the main squares with sheaves covered by tricolor flags.

In the 1950s, when the war ended, there was an enormous expansion of the suburban area in the United States, saturated by a feverish spread of single-family houses, whose front lawn, perfectly manicured, embodied the prosperity of the postwar period, the American dream everyone aspired to. From the sustenance function, the garden returns to the purely aesthetic one. There is an architect and artist who felt the need to intervene on this space which has become, as some will call it“ Broadloom地毯的生活版本”。由于一旦结束了为国家生存而结束的紧迫性,小花园培养的对话也被打断了,他决定将自己奉献给一个项目,该项目远非任何形式的征收,都希望想想自己想想。见证胜利花园特征的社区精神的重生,在这种情况下不是“自顶向下“ 政府-受到启发,但自发晋升”从下面“由业主。正是出于这种意图,他的众多项目之一就以一个简单的前提开始,逐渐揭示了由于所包含的各种主题而逐渐揭示了巨大的复杂性。raybet官网Gardenlab被认为是整个不同的建议,旨在探索探索,,,,through site-specific interventions based on ecology, the possibility of changing the relationship between private and community, creating interrelationships. The particularly interesting initiative, in between pleasure and serious commitment, reflects the versatility that distinguishes the author.

这 '可食用的庄园该计划的一部分,从“拖延”的想法中发展,将国内草坪转变为高效的可食用景观。日记中的进展。这是一种小型革命,不仅包括用载体植物和蔬菜代替草坪,而且还在考虑一种新的含义。美丽的', not intended in an aesthetic sense, but rather in a social way, an opening toward the streets, leaving the household, no longer seen as an“绝缘茧”“一个绝佳的机会”,作为作者所说,“重新考虑 我们如何生活,无论如何我都不认为这是不错的。”这些干预措施探讨了许多愿望,例如种植当地产品,反对使用化学农药和节水的斗争,但是驱动弗里茨·海格(Fritz Haeg)的研究和努力的必要性本质上是一种:在城市和郊区社区中引起一种社区感。


从堪萨斯州萨利纳(Salina)的第一个可食用庄园的种植,其他人交替出现,到达了随后在高度可见的地点出生的一系列实现,不再使用家中的地段,能够发挥最大的影响力,甚至可以通过与周围的城市景观(主要是混凝土)形成鲜明对比的是,试图提出更负责任和自然的生活方式。世界许多地区,布达佩斯,伊斯坦布尔,罗马,曼哈顿,洛杉矶,伦敦,都欢迎这些装置,直到针对特拉维夫,斯德哥尔摩和明尼阿波利斯的最新提案。这位真正的激进主义者以及策展人的无数绩效 - 能够避免建筑与艺术之间的边界,并由博物馆和艺术机构(例如泰特现代,伦敦,惠特尼美国艺术博物馆)委托和展出。#raybet官网从教育的角度来看,为了提高他们的兴趣,现代艺术博物馆的兴趣:庆祝协作和社会积极工作的伦理,通过加强对公共物品的个人责任的对话。海格的干预措施,即使故意隔离了某种情况的碎片,也知道如何引发兴趣并扩大丝毫线索隐藏的问题。鼓舞人心的问题,它们激活了同理心,使观众有理由感到参与,成为演员和主角。

In support of a trend, which will emerge as an increasingly urgent and widespread demand, in favor of the reintroduction of urban greenery for the holistic well-being of the community, there is another small, but very elaborate intervention, extremely accurate in every detail that deserves to be mentioned, for its intelligent and pleasant imprint. Years ago, in 2008, WORK ac studio won the competition annually launched by MoMA PS1, for giving young talents the opportunity to stand out, with a temporary installation in the courtyard of the museum. It is particularly significant how the proposal, quite unusual, succeeded considering the festive atmosphere, somewhat in '城市海滩'样式,以前的版本具有特权。这座城市的生活已经在许多方面进行了赎回,事实证明,它比郊区的同行优越,但是它缺乏属于乡村的重要方面。PF 1,公共农场1,半英亩的工作'urban farm'吊顶30英尺,希望将注意力集中在这种缺席上。年轻的建筑师打算呈现雷竞技下载链接建筑和城市宣言,帮助重新思考和重塑空闲时间,我可以同时革命性的方式说“解放,知识,力量和乐趣的象征”。PF 1是一种功能齐全且自给自足的小型复合物,能够种植50种当地水果和蔬菜的品种。一支非常大的合作者团队,具有不同特定能力的能力来实施“这种可持续的基础设施的新品种,能够产生自己的力量,回收雨水,耕种和鼓励休闲”,证明“即使是最不可能的乌托邦式绿化城市的视野也在我们的范围内”。

不寻常的,有远见的吊销农场结构,由太阳能提供动力,并由雨水收集系统灌溉,由可持续的基础设施组成,由创新材料,可生物降解和可回收的纸板圆柱体组成。在这些容器的阴影下,以花构型排列,公众可以坐下来,充电手机,享受其中一种鸡尾酒和注入,其中包括一部分有机水果,蔬菜和草药的一部分。“手工制作的务实诗歌“,弗里茨·海格(Fritz Haeg)定义了这一创造的美好表达,这使得大声疾呼是要解决的紧迫性,尤其是欣赏它发行的强大重要能量,“”还活着,无论是在它支持的植物的生活中以及在许多人的生活中,他们融合了对话以梦想,建造并倾向于它”。又有他的话的领导夫妇'牧羊人',领导团队”扩展到包括人类努力的令人兴奋的广度:农民和工程师,艺术策展人和太阳能专家,大学生和实验土壤公司,图形设计师和养鸡者“。



封面图片/照片1:俄亥俄州俄亥俄州,电影导演,Alice Rohrwacher&Artist,Jr:http://omeliacontadadina.com/ cineteca bologna:Visioni Italiane 2020,omelia contadina:https://wwwwwww.youtube-nocie.com/wociookie.com/wwatch?v = a-vrogeqolq
08-10照片:Orti di Guerra,在第二次世界大战期间,档案。