
SuperlimãoStudio设计的Interiors in Interiors for Escola 42,一所IT学校,位于巴西的Saîpaulo


Israel Gollino,,,,

Sao Paulo, Brazil,,,,


Interior Design,,,,

没有传统课程和没有老师的学校是每个学生的梦想!#raybet官网建筑公司Superlimão设计的空间专门针对巴西Saîpaulo的Escola 42的新概念。Escola 42是一所法国机构,是一所IT学校,使用协作教学方法培训计算机程序员,学生遵循非传统学习计划,并可以自由选择其课程。

SuperlimãoStudio设计的Interiors in Interiors for Escola 42,一所IT学校,位于巴西的Saîpaulo

“ Alma Que Habta arquitetura”(灵魂内部建筑),这些是建筑师从#raybet官网雷竞技下载链接SuperlimãoStudio选择了其网站的主页,仔细选择了一个关键概念,描述了巴西工作室的项目:建筑,作为每天允许和创造刺激人类体验的一种方式。#raybet官网raybet官网
In their projects, architects question existing and traditional models in a tireless search for the perfect and ideal space, but not in the abstract sense. That perfect and ideal architectural space that would allow a specific client to create a personal and complete story of their life. As the studio’s architects explain,“在他们的身体,思想和灵魂中,人们生活在连续的过境状态,撰写故事和含义状态的每种建筑”中生活”,,,,stressing that“we are all the same in our own differences”。也是如此Superlimão,他们都是建筑师,但是每个人都有自己的专业雷竞技下载链接化和对世界的理解,这些要素有助于建立多形和多学科的建筑工作室。#raybet官网
Questioning and overcoming a traditional model is what SuperLimão's architects have also done in a recently completed project:埃斯科拉42,在巴西圣保罗的一所不寻常的学校。Escola 42是一所法国IT学校,它根据非传统研究计划培训计算机程序员,而无需使用课程或教师。学生选择课程并依靠协作教学方法,该方法将他们参与小组活动并评估彼此的工作。

埃斯科拉42建于圣保罗的波西米亚人社区维拉·玛德琳娜(Vila Madalena),以独立时装商店,当代美术馆,非正式咖啡馆和现场音乐俱乐部而闻名。附近的街道本身就是露天美术馆,上面有涂鸦和鲜艳的壁画。Superlimão的建筑师在其项目中使用的元素使学校雷竞技下载链接在视觉上对年轻人具有吸引力,并且在技术上有效,同时也从60年代,70年代和80年代高科技宇宙的颜色,材料和饰面绘制灵感从斯坦利·库布里克(Stanley Kubrick)的科幻电影中2001:空间奥德赛“ 和 ”搭便车指南“英国作家道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams)。
The school consists of four main rooms: a space for events and three programming classrooms, each with its own layout. There are also administrative and service spaces. The new building stands on top of the foundation and ground floor of a construction that was never completed. The long and narrow pre-existing geometry was reorganised by the architects, now containing a cafeteria and the IT areas in the central space, while the remaining spaces are used for meeting rooms, staff offices, programming and events. Architects also created an outdoor area protected by a roof where staff and students can relax. Inside the building, graffiti and murals recall the street art that characterises the neighbourhood, while the furnishings meet the needs of this atypical space, with light and easily movable furnishings that adapt to different configurations or to the temporary needs of their users.

(Agnese Bifulco)


项目:Escola 42圣保罗

项目团队:Antonio Figueira de Mello,Lula Gouveia,Thiago Rodrigues,Pedro Pontes,InaiáBottura和Pamela Paffrath。
构造函数:Edifisa Engenharia eConstrução
视觉身份:Studio Maya

