标签理查德·戴维斯(Richard Davies)

David Chipperfield建雷竞技下载链接筑师Procuratie Vecchie Venice


David Chipperfield建雷竞技下载链接筑师Procuratie Vecchie Venice

威尼斯的Procuratie Vecchie最近首次向公众开放,这是建造五百年后的。Built in the sixteenth century to house the public attorneys of San Marco, the Procuratie Vecchie have undergone a complex restoration project under David Chipperfield Architects’ Milan office to allow them to continue playing a social role: the third floor of the building is home to The Human Safety Net, a foundation established by Generali to help vulnerable people develop their potential.

Heneghan Peng 雷竞技下载链接Architects:Birzeit的巴勒斯坦博物馆


Heneghan Peng 雷竞技下载链接Architects:Birzeit的巴勒斯坦博物馆


